Chapter 59 : Hide and Seek

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Srishti walked to the dining table. A bowl of steaming breakfast in her hands. The aroma wafted through the air. Mingling with the morning light that spilled through the windows. Everyone was gathered around, laughter and chatter filling the space. Except for Jai, who was still upstairs. Srishti served them all happily. Which made kumari notice her. She was glowing differently today. A smile never left her lips. She had also chosen to wear a saree today. Kumari made a mental note to discuss it with Srishti. But she was happy that Srishti was happy.

"Srishti...where's Jai?"Kumari asked.

Srishti hesitated. Her heart racing at the thought of facing him after their intimate moment. She couldn't believe that he kissed her. Everything that happened was still like a dream to her.

"Maa..He. is.. Achoo"she sneezed covering her mouth with her palms

"Are you okay?"Pallavi asked, concern etching her features as she passed Srishti a glass of water.

"I'm...fine"Srishti said.

"I think it's probably because of the weather. Did you get caught in the rain or something?"Pallavi asked and srishti couldn't help but smile at the memory of standing close to Jai under the downpour. She smiled to herself and shook her head innocently.

Jai walked downstairs. With the brightest smile across his face.

"Good morning"he greeted cheerfully. Kumari noticed a similar glow on his face and wondered what had transpired between them overnight. Srishti felt her heart skip a beat at his presence but quickly looked away as he caught her eye. He dragged out a chair and sat comfortably.

"Raju...why this late?"Kumari raised an eyebrow at him.

"I couldn't sleep well yesterday night Maa"he said and looked at Srishti. He saw her cheeks turning pink. She quickly diverted herself and served him food.

He smiled to himself. Seeing her blush.

"Srishti....sit with him and have your breakfast" Kumari insisted.

"No...maa. I'll have it later with the kids"Srishti said.

"They'll be waking up late. Come sit with raju now"kumari said again.

"It's okay ma"

"Leave it maa. She's just so stubborn. She will...achoo" Jai sneezed next suddenly, making Srishti widen her eyes in surprise.

"Raju? Are you okay?"Kumari asked, patting his hair affectionately. He nodded but sneezed again.

"Let's call the doctor"Kumari suggested worriedly.

"No Maa... see, I'm completely alright. And I'll take the medicine. I promise""he said.

"Srishti was also sneezing a few minutes ago. Did you both get caught in the rain yesterday?"shalini asked. Making both of them freeze in shock.

"Wow..Rain Romance" shruthi giggled

"Shut up. It's probably because of the weather. I'll make sure Srishti takes the medicine too. Right?"Jai looked at Srishti with a smile. She bit the insides of her cheek. Trying hard not to smile.

"Excuse me"srishti said, walking back to the kitchen.

She paused in midway and looked back at him. He met her eyes at the same time and winked at her slowly. Making her widen her eyes and run back to the kitchen. Jai started eating suppressing his laughter as Srishti leaned to the wall in the kitchen, with a smile. Her heart continued to flutter, thinking about him.

The day passed in a blur for Jai as he immersed himself in work with his team at the guest house. Meanwhile. Srishti kept herself occupied with the kids and helping Pallavi and Shruthi around the house.

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant