As days slowly started to pass by. Srishti got comfortable being around jai. Earlier her mind was filled with regret. And pain. But after she came to know the truth. She started searching for positivity. In every single thing she did. Even though being inside the same room with him. Had freaked her out a little. Jai made sure that srishti was okay. He was concerned about every little thing. When it involved her.
Srishti took care of Jai. And he was slowly recovering from his injuries. Even though the doctor advised him to take rest for 2 weeks. He felt completely fit. And good enough to get back to sets. But he also knew that a small part of him. Didn't wanted this small vacation to end.
Srishtis exams were nearing. And she tried her best to concentrate on her studies. Kumari had strictly warned srishti that she will only get back to any other works. After her exams are done. She even kept the kids away from Sristi.
Jai also knew that srishtis exams were nearing. So he made sure that he didn't disturb her. He spend his time by reading scripts, working out, meeting directors etc. He also read his fan messages whenever he got some time. He had his shooting re-scheduled to the coming week.
Ganesh and team made sure that. Jais murder attempt remained confidential. They took extreme care not to leak any news. That it would alert Sanjay.
It was almost 11 in the night. When jai came back home. He had went out to meet one of the director. Whom he had worked with. They had dinner together. And got busy in discussing each other's life.
Almost everyone was asleep after having an early dinner. Jai walked inside the room. Believing that srishti would be asleep by now. He got startled seeing the lights on in his room. He gently pushed the door open and walked inside. To see srishti sitting in the bed with her legs crossed. She was staring at her books and looked lost. As if she was distracted.
"Hey. You didn't sleep yet?"he asked. Walking inside the room.
She was startled by his presence and jumped up from the bed.
"You...said that you'll be staying in the guest house today?"she asked.
"Yeah I did. But I changed my mind. Sit"he sat on the bed and dragged her wrists. Making her sit next to him.
"Why didn't you sleep yet?"he asked
"I was studying"
"This late?"he glared at her.
"Just....few topics"
"Okay. Then I'll help you study"he took her guide book and went through the pages. She looked at him in shock.
" should take rest sir. You had a long day. And it's already....late"she said. Which made him frown.
"So you do know what time is it. You should be asleep by now. And I know you aren't taking rest as well srishti madam. See I'm concerned about you just like you are concerned about me. And it's not at all healthy that you are not taking care of yourself"he said. She smiled at him. Which made him narrow his eyes.
"What? I'm serious. You take care of me as if I'm a little boy. I should also take care of you right. Since we are roommates now"he said.
She nodded her head. Trying to hold her smile. For some reason she felt exhilarated. Seeing his concern for her just because she wasn't sleeping on time.

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]
RomanceJai Prakash Raj is a dashing superstar. heartthrob of many girls. Darling of the industry and the Greek God for everyone. Srishti Preyansh Verma is his biggest fan. His crazy fan and can go any extent for her Superstar. For her , He's a dream which...