After few weeks
It was the final day of examination. Everyone came out of the exam halls. Excited. Thinking about their future. A part of their lives was ending. The excitement soon turned into sadness. When the realisation of their college life coming into an end. Hit them. Everyone hugged each other. Reminiscing the best days of their lives. Which they spent around the campus.
And for srishti. A big part of her life was ending.
"I'm seriously gonna cry"nidhi said. Eyeing her classmates.
"Arey. Why do you have to be such a cry baby all the time?"kajal asked.
"Why? I'm I not supposed to get emotional? We're not going to hang around everyday guys. No more class bunking. No more sleepovers. No more outings"nidhi said. Grabbing srishtis stole to wipe her tears.
"Who said we are not going do all these? We are gonna be friends forever. No matter whatever happens. Right srishtu?"riya asked to srishti. Who was lost in thoughts.
"Srishtu are you even listening?"Kajal asked. Shaking her. Srishti came back to her sense.
"I'm gonna miss you guys"she said suddenly. Making three of them smile.
"I don't know how I would have survived this last year with everything that happened. And im really gonna miss us"srishti said. And Nidhi bursted out crying. Hugging srishti tightly. She hugged her back. While tears rolled down her eyes too. Seeing them. Kajal and riya too joined in their hug.
Her group of friends had been her pillar of strength. Ever since the rumours. And the marriage happened. They gave srishti time to accept things. And never forced her to talk about Jai. Knowing that she still needs a lot of time.
"Enough guys. Don't make me cry now. My makeup is gonna get spoiled"kajal said. Making three of them chuckle.
"Let's go to the canteen and have some food. Instead of getting emotional like this. This is gonna be our last evening together in the college"riya suggested.
"Good idea"nidhi agreed.
Srishti hesitated as she always avoided going to the canteen. Knowing that it would be too crowded. She didn't wanted to draw attention. Ever since the marriage happened. She avoided talking to people around college.
"No no. Not gonna listen to your excuses srishtu.
Come"kajal said. Dragging srishti by her hand.As soon as srishti entered the canteen. She could feel all eyes on her. She kept looking at the ground and quietly followed her friends. They took a corner table and ordered food.
While they were busy chatting. Srishti saw Arjun walking inside the canteen with his friends. His eyes fell on her too. But he quickly looked away. Which hurt her again.
Her eyes followed him when he walked upto the counter. To place the order.
"You guys carry on. I'll join you soon"srishti excused herself and got up from the chair.
"Where are you going?"kajal asked. But before she finished. Srishti had already walked away. Towards Arjun.
His back facing her. She stood behind him. Tensing up. She made up her mind to talk to him today. If not now. Then never. She knew it.
"Arjun"she called him softly.
He stilled for few seconds. Before turning towards her.
"What?"he asked coldly. Without any expression
"Can"she asked. Feeling her throat tightening.
"Talk? What's there to talk about srishti?"

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]
RomansaJai Prakash Raj is a dashing superstar. heartthrob of many girls. Darling of the industry and the Greek God for everyone. Srishti Preyansh Verma is his biggest fan. His crazy fan and can go any extent for her Superstar. For her , He's a dream which...