Chapter 52 : His Wife

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Jai adjusted his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror. He was getting ready to attend his best friend's wedding. Today was also the first time he would be making his first public appearance with srishti. He had to introduce her to this world. As his wife.

He felt a mix of emotions, from excitement to nervousness. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in any way. But he also knew that he had to do this. Srishti was his wife now, and his fans and well-wishers had been eagerly waiting to see them together. He took a deep breath and assured himself that everything would be fine.


Pallavi walked inside the room. Breaking his thoughts. He turned towards her with a smile.

"Oh hey there handsome thing. Tell me. How I'm I looking today?"pallavi asked. Widening her arms to show him the saree. Which looked perfect on her.

"Promise me that you won't kill me if I say that you look terrible" Jai chuckled

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Promise me that you won't kill me if I say that you look terrible" Jai chuckled.

"Hello sir? I'm a freaking model. Don't you dare to forget that"pallavi shrugged.

"You know that you are beautiful Ms. Pallavi Prabhu. Stop being a drama queen"he said. She laughed hearing him.

"You look good too. By the way. Where's srishti?"pallavi asked. Looking around the room. Making Jai sigh.

"I haven't seen her from the morning. She's getting ready in Shruthis room and even kept a NO ENTRY board outside for me. "Jai pouted

"Aww look who is desperate to see his wife"pallavi said dreamily. Making him glare.

"I'm not desperate"he said.

"Really? Why do I feel like you're dying to see her?"pallavi asked. Teasing him.

"Yeah. I'm dying to see her. Happy?"he asked.

"You bet"she giggled and grabbed his wrist. Taking him downstairs.

Krishna, Kumari and shalini was seated in the living room along with jais grandmother. Jai and Pallavi walked towards them. Engaged in a conversation.

As soon as they reached. Jai took blessings from all the elders. Followed by Pallavi.

" look so pretty"shalini complimented.

"Aww. Thank you aunty"she smiled widely.

Jai kept looking upstairs. Srishti was nowhere to be seen. And he wondered what was taking her so long. She had been missing from morning and all he wanted. Was to see her. Talk to her. And assure her that he's gonna be there with her.

"Raju....where is Srishti?"Kumari asked. Breaking his thoughts.

"I don't know Maa. Your daughter had kidnapped her from the morning. Didn't even let me inside the room also. I wonder what's taking so long"jai said.

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin