Chapter 12 : Star Meets His Fan

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After a week

Jai was feeling fine and Better than before. Thanks to his family who took care of him. As if he was a kid. He could walk without the help of the sticks. The wounds were healing too. Jai couldn't wait to get back to work as he was not used to sitting idle. It made him irked. But he enjoyed his family's attention. He could spend some time with them. Which he never got ever since he'd become an actor.

But the first thing he wanted to do. Was to meet that girl who'd saved his life. Kumari strongly opposed his idea of going outside. And warned him not to do so until he was completely cured from his injuries. He didn't had any option left either.

Jai was sitting in his bed scrolling through some scripts in his laptop. When he was done he got up to freshen himself. He kept the laptop on the table until his eyes fell on few magazines which was kept there. He took them in his hand and realized that those were random magazines. The cover page was his. Which was clicked when he went to attend the cultural fest. In the college. He never saw them before in his room.

He sat back on the bed and opened it. To see the article about his visit and how his fans went crazy on seeing him. His lips curved and suddenly it widened when he saw a picture. It was his pic along with srishti. Which was clicked when she came up to the stage to meet him. He was holding her hand and looking at her.

Suddenly something else occupied his mind. He examined sristhis face closer and closed his eyes.

"Sir...Sir please open your eyes"

He felt like he had seen that face again. That voice he'd heard again. But from the girl who'd saved him. Is she the same? How's it possible? He was still not sure. He could only remember her face faintly. But it Indeed looked familiar to him.

Even after stressing his mind so much. He couldn't get a clear image of hers. He gave up. And decided to meet the girl in first place. He couldn't take it any longer. He took his phone and called Ganesh.

"Good evening sir. All good?'

"Ganesh..I want to meet srishti. If possible tomorrow itself"
It's been two weeks since srishti had attended to her college. She excused to her parents that she wasn't feeling well. Them being concerned for her health let stay back in the house itself. She told to her friends too. After that incident she barely spoke to anyone. And tried to keep herself busy. She was relieved when she got to know that her superstar was getting better day by day. But she still couldn't accept that all those things happened for real. Bhoomi is also feeling bad to see srishti all silent. And not being in her usual self. But she gave her time.

Finally she was going to college today. The moment she reached there her friends hugged the hell out of her.

"Srishti we missed you so freakin much ya"

"We did. How are you now?"

"Fine"she smiled at them and walked towards her class.

"Hm. So srishti Preyansh Verma was not feeling well for this long because her superstar met with an accident eh?"Kajal tried to tease her while she shrugged it off. Rolling her eyes

"I told you I wasn't well"

"It's okay srishtu. He seems to be fine now. You know what? The whole college was searching for you the next day when everyone came to know about Jai's accident"Riya exclaimed.

When A Fan met Her star [ Editing ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz