new note,

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If you're new an haven't seen the part 1 anywhere, that is because I edited the part one and two and made it somewhat, more understandable, I might think of republishing the part 5,

No I'm not gonna edit the story, but rather, I'm gonna add drawings to really give you guys an idea what was going on.

And, thought some stupid virus is telling me to stay indoors
(I can't even get my legs warmed up) I made(again) a new story

Soul knight: the first crystal can be found in my works, as usual

Soul knight is a brilliant game, a work of art really, it's what inspired me to make this new fanfic so go check those bad boys out!

And don't worry about my adventures, I already wrote a new chapter 1 and I'm editing as we speak, so,

Later taters! I'll see y'all, next time

Stay frosty!

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