Pvz Heroes x Readers

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Good morning guys and gals and readers alike! Sunrise here! Welcome to another PvZ Heroes x Readers! I know, I know, it's been a long time, but now I'm back!

Now go on! Enjoy these chapters with a plate of spaghetti! Or eat some Mac n cheese, who knows? So many "Pastabilites", anyway, we are way "pasta" author's note, but puns will still be a daily "routini", now I gotta Spaghetti outta here!

Side note: sorry, I had to "mint"ion that I did Rose first despite the vote, why you may ask? Let's just say I have… "bigger" plans for her, and so, I made a "Blossoming" intro for our favorite Rose


Greenshadow x Reader Chapter 11: A Lovely Christmas morning

(Greenshadow’s P.o.V.)

I groaned and shifted in my bed, thoughts of my father flashed in mind

“no…” I say weakly, “don’t…”

There were a gunshot and maniacal laughter

“NO!!!” I screamed, I opened my eyes and sat up straight, I sigh, knowing just how painful that memory was, I lay back down and look at my ceiling, normally I would see my photos with my friends and some stickers, but strangely, the ceiling was completely bare

“odd,” I said to myself, “Is this another one of Solar’s pranks?”

I looked towards my window, then I realized my room didn’t have windows

“I must still be dreaming,” I said, shaking my head, I looked to my left and saw a TV, popcorn was littered on the floor, I guessed it was Solar’s room, but it couldn’t be, I knew she loves to stick posters of games and movies, but there wasn’t a single poster on the walls

“ugh, definitely dreaming,” I groaned and tightly closed my eyes and shifted to my right, I slowly opened my eyes, confused as to why (Y/n) was about 5 inches in front of me.

I looked at him for a long time, he looked… cute? I shake my head rapidly, 

“what’s wrong with me?!” I closed my eyes tightly

“please disappear, please disappear, please disappear” I slowly opened my eyes, and he was still there

‘what’s going on?!’ I thought ‘this Is the weirdest dream ev-‘

And that’s when it hit me, it wasn’t a dream, it all came back to me, the Christmas party, the frozen door, the movie, it all came rushing back

I suddenly realize how close I was and blushed slightly, I tried to move out of the bed, when (Y/n) suddenly stirred and turned to me, pulling me closer with his arm

I blushed madly at his actions, what was he doing!? I mean… it feels… nice, but- well… it's kinda… too close...

I remembered how I acted throughout the entire movie, I blushed even deeper, knowing that he had seen a side of me only Solar and Rose had seen

I squealed in my head, trying to contain my embarrassment, okay, this was too much, I gotta get out of here some how

Slowly, I gripped his arm, which surprisingly was muscular, and lifted myself out

Thankfully he seemed to be asleep so I was safe, phew…

Then I heard a familiar voice "Greenshadow? It is I, Rose, your friend, are you home?"

Quickly I rushed down the stairs and into Rose "oh, hi Rose!" I said, "what a… what brings you here?"

"Well… I have come to pick you up, obviously" she said blinking at me, "is something-"

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