StoryTime, with Sunrise (coming soon)

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Topic: bullies aren't baddies

Sunrise: I go to school once when I was about 8 years old, there where alot of bigger kids and bullies

Pea-jay: seems rough, how'd you handle it

Sunrise: well at first I was mad, I mean, who wouldn't be when you are at school and a bully shows up and insults you

Pea-jay: whoa, well, I guess you reported him to the principal, or talked back

Sunrise: (laughs) funny thing is I did neither of those things

Pea-jay: what!?

Sunrise: after a bully insulted me, I would ask them if they were done talking, if not I would just wait for them to finish, after which, I say "okay, have a nice day" and go off

Pea-jay: but that doesn't make sense... What if he hurts you or something?

Sunrise: same answer "hope you feel better soon" or "have a great day" of course they were pretty shocked whenever I said that

Pea-jay: ...but...why?...

Sunrise: I had so many chances to fight, get revenge, or report them, but I don't, in the end some one else calls the principal and the bully gets scolded

Pea-jay: yeah...but...why? Why did you do that?

Sunrise: let me ask you something...

Do you think, even the worse person can change?

That everyone can be a good person...

If they just try?

Because I...

Believe that is possible,

who knows, that person must have gone through something, that's why they bully

Or maybe that when they reach home, they are lonely

Or probably, they're parents left them, or they hang out with the wrong people

So many possibilities...

Pea-jay: hearing you say that reminds me of all the times you could've defeated Z-tron and Dark but you just kept on sparing them, tell them to change...

Sunrise: but remember, not all people will follow your way, there are stubborn people who never change... But no matter what happens... I'll keep trying

Pea-jay: so you won't fight!?

Sunrise: hey, I never said I was a pacifist, but you know I've got a knack for hunting down people abusing others

Pea-jay: but since Covid-19 you've been doing it online now

Sunrise: right, and if it weren't for bullies, I wouldn't be in homeschool, now I have plenty of time to spend with my family

Pea-jay: indeed

Moral: you can't fight fire with fire, but also never let your guard down either, and always be nice... Especially in these troubled times

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