Pvz heroes x Reader chapters 3 and 10

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Author's Note: I've Turned this from a Post-Halloween chapter into a Post-Christmas Chapter, this is because I was so behind on the Halloween stuff I decided to make it into Christmas Stuff, so clearly the story hasn't changed much, except it's now nearing Christmas sooooooooooo, yeah, a sackful of invitations to a Christmas party instead

So, while writing this, I felt a bit "cheesy" and wrote down some (probably) "gouda" stuff, oh, and Danny, you probably have been waiting for this for some time, but anyway, no more fight scenes in the chapter, just some sweet "cheesy" goodness of a love story, this may even blow your "rind" (mind), hope ya'll have a "grate" "thyme" and as always, enjoy!

(hehe, as lazy as sans that I didn't even remove the second message)


SolarFlare chapter 3: A Normal Picnic

Ah, it's almost the end of November and

It's been a while since you introduced yourself to Solar, and you gotta admit, she's one heck of a friend, a few moments after you left the Arcade that day, Solar said she was gonna prank a friend of hers, "aw, c'mon (Y/n), she'll never know, promise" she said with a cute face, you sighed and agreed.

Ever since then she's been around whenever she can, sometimes in the arcade, sometimes in the house, which was sometimes creepy because she didn't use the front door

It's Friday, and that means P.E. you packed your things in your bag and headed for the schoolyard, where most of your classmates were already warming up, you looked around for Matt and Zack, 'their usually late' you said, worrying that they might get scolded by your Gym teacher, Mr. G

Mr. Gordon or Mr. G is a big guy, he has huge biceps and is a bodybuilder time a hundred, his teeth are so big that his smile is huge, he has been teaching Gym classes for as long as you can remember.

Finally, you found Zack and Matt warming up at a corner "hey (Y/n)!" Zack called "over here!" you ran over to them, "I thought you were coming late, again," you said with relief

"Nah, I had to drag Matt out here" Zack replied who nudged Matt on the shoulder "ugh, yeah, it's true" then Matt leaned in close and whispered "I hate P.E." you chuckled, "well looks like it, you even forgot to bring an extra water bottle" you replied

Matt sighed "yeah, I know"

"cheer up mate, we'll get through this" Zack said while stretching his arms

Just then you heard a whistle, it's was Mr. G, "atteeeeeeeeention! Every one line up!" he said in his big voice

Everyone lined up in rows of five "every single one of you have one job, and that's to not Fail in the Sports Marathon coming up, however, some of you don't even exercise well enough, most of you are just slobs with no energy, as long as I see some Good fighting spirit, lots of exercise and training, I'll be sure to not let you repeat 25 push-ups, now start!" Mr. G blew his whistle and everyone started.

The first training you had to go through was crawling under barb wire, now I know this feels more like military training, but what can I say? "wire" you even reading this message? Anyway, after that there's the push-ups, 20, to be exact, then tug of war, followed by a break, then climbing up a rope ladder, walking up and downstairs, sit-ups, anime break/toilet break, running for 10 minutes, and... (a bunch of other things that might take up the entire chapter)

(Saitama level of training hours later)

Everyone became one punch man- (wait... what? Wha- no... srsly? Now? Hold up... that's not true)

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