Chapter 11

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Heeey! First things first! Shout out to XxMaci_DragneelxX  for being supportive and she's really lifted my spirits for this whole book! it what you will. I hope you enjoy it!


Lucy had told Gajeel, Wendy, and myself a few hours ago about her talk with Celestia and how I would be training for two weeks until the Grand Magic games started. I was happy, Lucy and I were together and the whole guild knew about it. We spent a lot of time together, we even got our own house together that was next to a forest.

We were at home, Lucy was cooking and I was playing with happy as I waited for Lunch to be ready. It was so peaceful well when Happy wasn't going crazy "You hid my fish!" he yelled, "Give them to me". He yanked at me and even bit me once!

Lucy walked in with an evil smile on her face "Happy, that wasn't him" she laughed. His face goes clueless "Who else would take my precious fish!" he yelled as he pointed at me, man was this cat clueless alright. Lucy disappeared back into the kitchen and came out with a grilled fish in her hand, Happy attacked "YOU MONSTER WOMAN!" he yanked the fish out of her hands.

It was like this every day, we would go to the guild often but when it came to eating, We went to the house and made Lucy slave over the stove "You can do some work!" she complains. She came out with a salad and I flipped out "I thought I spelled meat!" I whined at her. She shook her finger "Eat salad, then meat Mr, Piggy!" Happy laughs.

After we eat, Lucy and I clean the dishes and prepare to go back to the guild "Celestia wants us to leave for training tomorrow morning" she informed me. I nod at her as we walk out the door and onto the streets. The sun was covered by dark rain clouds and it was gloomy out, not a person in sight.

As we walked along, I remembered the City Without Sound and how the dragon lady had imprisoned her own people in their own magic. I shake the thought away cause there was no way that would happen to Magnolia.  We were silent to whole way to the Guildhall, you could clearly tell that Lucy was thinking about her mom.

When we arrive at the guild, barely anyone was there "Everyone has gone home, too droopy today" Mirajane said. It made sense to go home on a day like this I mean it was way too gloomy to be anywhere else.

I woke up, It was still gloomy outside and I didn't see that it would stop anytime soon, how dreadful. I get up out of bed and slowly get my armor on, today was the day that we started training. I walk over to Natsu's room where he lay snoring peacefully with Happy at his feet, they were so cute when they slept.

I decide to ruin it the classic way, I get two pans from the kitchen and go back to their bedroom and start banging them together "Get up sleepy heads!" I shout.  Happy jumped so high in the air, it would have been impossible for any other cat and Natsu just roared in surprise. I started laughing like crazy "Your faces! oh, my god, your faces are priceless!"

While I was busy laughing Natsu leaped and tackled me onto the floor. I pretend to look scared "Hey let me go you, devil!" I shout in a friendly tone. 

He smiles "Not until you say, uncle!". 

I tackle him off of me and I'm on top of him "Not a chance flame brain!" I yell. 

He starts to complain "Oh come on Grey was enough now you're calling me that?" He pretended to cry.

We kiss then get our things ready, mostly just clothes "Happy you're going to have to stay with Carla" I explain. His eyes lit up once I said that and I knew we were set for the next two weeks.  Wendy and Gajeel arrive shortly after and I open the portal to the Dragon Realm, being the last one to step inside before it closes.

I breathe the fresh air, not a dragon in sight. Natsu seems to be on edge all of the sudden "Where did they go?" he asks.

To me, the answer was obvious "In the clouds" I answer as I point. Soon enough we see Grandeeney swoop down from the fluffed clouds to greet us. it was nice to see the sun after a week of nothing but rain and gray clouds.  Wendy jumped up and down with glee and ran to hug the dragon.

The other dragons flew down to ground level one by one, Celestia was the last to appear. The dragons welcome me back to the dragon realm and they just plain welcome Natsu, he and Igneel were staring at each other. Celestia announced how the training would work for the other three "The first things you will train is to increase your durability against magic, this is very important because you can last longer in battle" She looks and Natsu, if she could she would be smiling.

She instructed Natsu to go with Iceicano, the frost dragon so he can train with the opposite of fire. Wendy and Gajeel would be training in similar scenarios with opposite magical elements, though I don't even know what the opposite of metal is.

Who knew training with different dragons in a time period of two days each would be so harsh and demanding! I felt stronger than ever be for, I was so going to beat Sabertooth and get back the title of #1 in Fiore! I sat in the main field talking to Weisslogia about Sting and other stuff of course, as we waited for Lucy.

Lucy and I hadn't gotten much time to talk to or see each other but to be stronger was totally worth it! Who knew all the dragons could be so much fun to talk to? "What was Sting like?" I ask I wanted to know more about him "He was a kind boy before he mastered the power," the dragon sighed, "Then he became selfish" no surprise there.

Who knew that those two dragon slayers, Rogue and Sting would try to kill their own parents to become real dragon slayers... It makes me wanna puke. Those two dragon slayers have lost their minds, killing their dragons. They were going to pay for it, I'll make sure of that!

Lucy and Celestia were coming towards us but something wasn't normal, Lucy was hovering over the ground! Once they came in front of us Lucy fell off the air onto the grass "How did you do that?" I ask it was cool. 

Her answer kinda made sense "It's simple weather magic, like when you use your fire magic on your feet to jump into the air" It made a lot of sense. Gajeel appeared quickly after Lucy with a happy expression on his face, but he would tell me why so I started a fight. Wendy was the one to break it up with her arrival side-by-side with Grandeeney.

Not many dragons came to say goodbye to us but I guess that dragons had their own things to do, even in the dragon realm. I couldn't wait to see Happy again and I really hope he missed me! We say goodbye to our mentors and step through the portal created by Celestia.

This time when we stepped through the portal, we did it in the middle of the guild hall so of course, we made quite a scene. We got questions on how we did it and what our training was like, Happy better have not run his mouth about the dragons training us. Lucy treated it like nothing as she walked to the bar and started talking with Mirajane.

We only got to socialize for about 10 minutes before gramps called the guild to a silence "Listen up my children" His main way to get our attention. He cleared his throat and started to speak again "The Grand Magic Games is starting soon and I have decided our 5 that will represent us." I was getting excited. "Natsu" he calls "Oh yeah!" I shout "Grey" I had to compete with stripper boy? "I'm honored,accept," he said.

The next one wasn't a surprise "Erza" he called, she smiled "I won't let you down, Master" she slightly bowed. I wonder who the other two would be, I really hope it was Lucy "The last two are" he just had to make suspense... "Lucy and Wendy!" they flipped out and the guild started to complain to put Laxus on the team.

I was happy, Lucy was on the team. Come to think, everyone from Team Natsu was competing...everyone except Gajeel. I didn't complain, I could beat all the competitors by myself, I know it!  Master gets our attention again "Now pack your things, we're leaving very soon!" done, I touch my bag of clothes. 


Done!! Hope you enjoyed it! I'll update as soon as possible, I don't think I'll be able to update for a day or 2 but no biggy! Next time: The grand magic games start and the guild tries their best to get past the Labyrinth and the first game of "Hidden" of the GMGs. Bye!!     

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