TV Announcer: Mermaid Man: Fleet and Forceful. With the ability to assemble and charge the creatures of the deep.
Mermaid Man: By the power of Neptune!
TV Announcer: Mermaid Man, with his young associate Barnacle Boy, fights for all creatures who live in the sea, against the forces of evil.
Villain: Oh, no! The Raging Whirlpool.
TV Announcer: Mermaid Man: Champion of the Deep.
SpongeBob & Patrick: Yay! Champion of the deep! Woo!
SpongeBob: (dressed up as Mermaid Man) Come, Barnacle Boy. There's evil afoot.
Patrick: (dressed up as Barnacle Boy) Leaping' Lampreys, Mermaid Man. I'm right behind you.
SpongeBob: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy spot their arch enemy, Reflecto, up to no good.
Squidward: SpongeBob.
SpongeBob: You know what this means.
Patrick: Donuts.
SpongeBob & Patrick: Ooohh.
SpongeBob: By the power of Neptune. (Patrick bites into the donut)
SpongeBob & Patrick: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Unite!
SpongeBob: Creatures of the deep, assemble! (both go into deep thinking) Think...harder...Barnacle Boy. (jellyfish swims by) Here they come. (Squidward blows jellyfish away)
SpongeBob: Blast, Reflecto has become too powerful.
Squidward: (under a tent) What the? Ohh! RAGA...
SpongeBob: If Reflecto is cut off from sunlight, he becomes weak.
Patrick: Jumping Jellyfish, Mermaid Man. He's destroying the shield. (Squidward is destroying The 'Shield')
SpongeBob: Quick, Barnacle Boy, back to the sea cave.
Patrick: Right, Mermaid Man.
Squidward: SpongeBob! SpongeBob, open up!
SpongeBob: Reflecto has found our secret lab.
Patrick: What would the real Mermaid Man do?
Squidward: Why don't you go ask him yourself?
SpongeBob: Elaborate, you vile fiend.
Squidward: He and Barnacle Boy live in the retirement home on the other side of town.
SpongeBob: Hmm, they must be working undercover.
Squidward: please leave me alone.
SpongeBob & Patrick: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy reunite! (Patrick now has 3 bites)
(At Shady Shoals Retirement Home)
SpongeBob: Excuse me, I know that Mermaid Man is working undercover on an important case, but you think we can see him?
Manager: Undercover? Yeah...well I'll see if they can take time from their busy schedule to see you. (SpongeBob and Patrick laughing as they walk in) There they are. Right over there. (SpongeBob and Patrick gasp)
Manager: Try not to surprise them.
SpongeBob: Patrick! Can you believe it?
Patrick: (holding onto SpongeBob) Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy in the flesh! (SpongeBob and Patrick walk in front of the TV)
Barnacle Boy: Hey, who are those guys?
Mermaid Man: Uhh, are they here to fix the TV?
(SB And Pat Are giggling)