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     I thrusted my sword and kunai to make a big stab. The force of the stab hit Leafa right through the stomach. Sending her sliding out the arena, crashing into a nearby tree.

      I sheathe my sword back and dragged myself to help her up. I coughed blood but cover it with right arm.

     "I'm sorry, I think I did it too hard." I pull out a bottle of HP potion that could help her heal up. I open it up and let her chug down the bottle.

     She swallows it down and thanks me. She stands up, limping, "That was a great fight! Let's do that again."

     "Alright." I agreed

     The hooded figures give a round of applause, "The victor is Raito! Wonderful dance of swords. Both of you will be escorted to be nursed back to full HP."

     Two NPCs walked us into the trees and navigated west. After a few minutes we see a small hut was stationed. We walk in and a young lady asks us to sit and examine ourselves . She gave us plain blue kimonos to wear.

     Since it was just us girls (I'm assuming the people I with were.) we change into them and the woman brings each of us privately checking our injuries.

     After the examinations she handed a bag of medicine for each. We thanked her and she left the hut. The rule was we wait here once the matches are over.

     "Who knew we broke ribs in our body. But why would they do this? I mean, we wouldn't be having injuries in real life."

     "If we don't get treated in game, we could feel terrible if we log out. The aftermath of this could feel like having an actual broken rib in real life when you only broke on in game. Usually they tell us to stay a bit here to rest fully so we could log out with ease."

     Leafa materialized two small items wrapped in leaves, "Here, rice cake with honey. It's food from the game I ported from."

     I took one and unwrapped it. A pink round soft sweet was on the center. I ate the one thing entirely and indulged in the quick sweetness of the honey and the mixture of the sticky rice.

     She cheerfully ate hers, "Delicious, aren't they?"

     "Ported game?" I repeated as I chew the rice cake, "What do you mean?"

     "I'm from another game. It's called ALfheim online. My levels just a rough translation of my skills in that game. I don't usually play SAO. In ALfheim, there's no level base. They only translate for physical capabilities in the real world and base your stats from there." She explained, "Maybe that's why you beat me. I guess I wasn't that strong enough."

      "Nah, it was luck that decided it. I think. You were strong alright. Way stronger for me. You were even fast footed for my ears to barely catch your steps. Honestly, that power, that final hit felt off for some reason. It did not move like water, flowing swiftly to hit the opponent, the feeling was warmth than coolness. What the hell am I saying, maybe you don't get it."

     "No, believe me I understand that." She defended, "You're saying that power that got you to stand up and end me was some sudden power you never knew of but somehow triggered it. I saw your fighting style clearly, you would study and think perfectly of an attack while you are being on the defensive side. You try outsmarting an opponent through your techniques and not just slashing away. Like water, calm and collected, then suddenly turning the tides and becoming a storm. That storm you created being something more powerful, yeah?"

     I scratched the back of my head, "It wouldn't make sense. But have you ever heard of this ability or something along the words of Solus?"

     "Solus?" She thought hard for a while and quickly responded, "It's familiar but where did I hear it...oh yeah! Solus is the Sun God of the Underworld."

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