Chapter 16: Recovery

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Jayden laid in the hospital bed alone. He was so scared. He wanted his father. He hadn't seen him since the fire. His father said he wouldn't let him go, but his father was nowhere in sight.


He was happy in his father's arms. He started coughing really hard. It hurt really bad. Black stuff came out. It was called ash. Jayden remembered. James snuggled him close.

Then he was handed over to a man in a yellow suit and a weird mask. He stared at his daddy. He was hurt. His daddy said he wasn't going to let him go. He gave him to a random stranger and then went to make sure the others were okay! What about him? His heart broke.

He started coughing. He was able to breathe about a minute and then he started coughing. His daddy looked at him. He reached his tiny arms out to him. His daddy turned away and the random stranger put him on a movable bed, loaded him into a vehicle, and his father was gone. He tried to struggle, but a man in white and blue clothes held him down. He started coughing. The man put a weird mask on him. He started panicking but stopped when he realized it helped him breathe.

End of Flashback

Jayden was unhappy. He wanted his father, but his father never showed up. One day. Two days. Three days. No father. Where was he? Jayden couldn't help but wonder. A doctor came in and said," You are free to go when your father comes to pick you up."

"Okay," Jayden said politely, but he didn't think his father would ever come and pick him up. It was so unfair. He threw his pillow across the room. He tried to go get it, but he collapsed. The doctor was coming back in and helped him get back into bed. Then he received the pillow and tossed it to Jayden, who got it.

Jayden had been burned in the fire without realizing it. His stomach had a two-degree burn on it. It really hurt. It was wrapped up and underneath the wrap was gauze soaked in aloe. He had an ice pack on it. It helped keep it cool and it was awesome because it only hurt if he moved. He was given a small wheelchair and was pushed out into the waiting room.

In the waiting room was his father. He was so happy to see him. He was going home. Then he remembered a story on the news when he was only three years old.


The news lady said," Little Amy was abandoned at the orphanage this July. We cannot find her parents. No death records. No anything. Back to you Phil."

"Daddy, what's abandon?" Jayden asked.

"To leave someone alone," said James.

"So when you leave to find bad guys, you abandon me," said Jayden.

"No, when you abandon someone you don't intend on taking them back," said James.

Oh," said Jayden," What's orphanage?"

"It's a place where kids who don't have parents or were not wanted by their parents go," said James.

"That's sad," said Jayden.

"It is," said James.

"I'm glad I got you Daddy!" said Jayden and he crawled up into his father's lap.

"Me, too, buddy," said James," Me, too." He wrapped his arms around his precious son. He was so happy to have him. He was the best son he could ever ask for.

End of Flashback

He was scared he was going to be abandoned at an orphanage like Little Amy. Luckily someone adopted Little Amy. She now lived happily with his dad's boss. So he met her. She was a sweet girl and he couldn't think of anyone who wouldn't want her.

He was placed in his car seat. His wheelchair was folded up and placed beside him. The moment the seatbelt touched his stomach he hissed. The seatbelt was hurting his burns. He started wiggling which caused his burns to hurt more. James grabbed his arms and Jayden threw himself at him. His arms slipping around his neck. He sobbed and sobbed because it hurt so much. James sat Jayden back into his car seat and loosely put his seatbelt on as not to hurt his baby boy anymore. He wiped away Jayden's tears and kissed his forehead.

Jayden was supposed to be fully healed in a week. So James helped him with it. Jayden still feared he was going to be sent to the orphanage. His father might just be going to give him up when he is fully healed.

James made a chart to show how Jayden was doing:

Day 1:

Jayden was supposed to lay in bed all day. He did. He ate chicken noodle soup that Elizabeth and Sarah cooked. I fed him his soup. He looked a little sad, but when I asked him what's wrong he said nothing.

Day 2:

Jayden was supposed to sit up with a lot of assistance. I helped him. It caused him pain and I held him afterward. He sat up for a little while and then I helped him lay back down. I asked him again what's wrong and I got the same response.

Day 3:

Jayden was able to eat more solid foods. He had a little trouble sitting up, but nothing too serious. He ate some macaroni. He loved it. He ate it on his own. I am so proud of him.

Day 4:

He was supposed to be able to walk with a lot of assistance. I held him up and helped him walk. It started to really hurt after five minutes, so I let him sit down. After twenty minutes, we started doing it again. This time he did it for ten minutes. We sat for twenty minutes and he did it for fifteen minutes the third time. He was really tired, so we stopped there.

Day 5:

He was supposed to be able to move with little help and he did. I finally asked what's wrong and he said nothing, but he wasn't looking at me and couldn't look at me, so I know he's lying.

Day 6:

He was able to walk on his own, but he stumbled a bit. He fell a couple of times, but he was able to get back up perfectly. I wished he would tell me what's wrong. I am very proud of him though. He has come a long way.

Day 7:

Finally, he is able to everything by himself. Though he does still stumble, he's five give him a break.

As James was finishing his report up, Jayden walked in. He saw the paperwork and was instantly very sad. He was being sent to the orphanage already. He started crying. He wanted to stay with his daddy though.

"Jayden, what's wrong?" asked James, as he picked his precious baby boy up.

"You are going to give me to an orphanage," said Jayden.

"What? Where did you ever come up with that?" James asked incredulously.

"You never went to see me in the hospital and I remembered how Little Amy was abandoned at an orphanage," Jayden said sniffling.

"Jayden, I never, ever, wanted to give you up. I'd be giving up my life if I gave you up," James said," I didn't come because the bad guys I fight would come and hurt you if they knew you weren't in the Shiba House."

"Oh, that makes sense," said Jayden," I love you, Daddy!"

"I love you, too, baby boy. Never forget that," said James.

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