Chapter 19: Lost in the Park

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Jayden was at the park with his friends. His father was watching him and his friends. He loved it. Jayden was having so much fun. They were playing Hide and Seek. Serena was it. He ran and hid. He kept running. He hid behind a tree. Suddenly he looked around and realized he had no clue where he was. Jayden started whimpering. He was really scared. He left the tree and tried to find his father. He couldn't find him and he started crying.

Line Break

Jason and Tommy were walking in the park. Suddenly they heard crying. They saw Jayden crying and standing there. They walked up to him. It was getting dark. Jayden was all alone. So they decided to help him.

"Hey, buddy, where're your parents?" asked Jason, kneeling down.

"I don't know," said Jayden, crying.

"Did they leave you here?" asked Tommy.

"No. I was playing Hide and Seek with some other kids and I got lost," said Jayden, crying harder now.

"Hey, it's alright. We'll find your Mommy and Daddy," said Jason.

"My Mommy's dead," said Jayden.

"We'll find your Daddy. I bet he's frantic because you're gone," said Tommy," Let's go."

"Okay," said Jayden. He grabbed Jason's and Tommy's hands. They walked in the direction Jayden had come from, but they didn't find his dad. They arrived at the park and Jayden was excited.

"Are you okay?" asked Jason.

"We were playing over here," said Jayden.

"Well, let's go get your dad," said Tommy, slightly relieved. He liked Jayden, but he had no skills in comforting and Jayden loved to be held. One thing he didn't do well either. It was always awkward on his side. Kat would be proud, thought Tommy.

A cry brought him back to reality. Jayden was over by a bench. It was empty. There was no one around. Jayden frantically started searching. He ran everywhere. He was crying.

"Daddy?" asked Jayden, when he saw a man by some trees. It wasn't Daddy. It was just a businessman. He started to cry harder than ever. Jason and Tommy immediately ran over.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Jason.

"Daddy left me. He's not here. I knew the only reason he only kept me because I was going to be the next red ranger," said Jayden. Jason and Tommy looked at each other. Did he really just say that? Yeah, he did.

"I don't think that's true," said Tommy.

Line Break

In reality, James left because he had to get the other kids home. Emily was tired and was about to walk home by herself. Instead, James carried her home. When he arrived, he had to explain that Jayden was missing. They tried to figure out where he could be on the map, but nowhere sounded likely. They were "if he" or "if someone".

James was becoming frantic. Jayden meant the world to him. He'd do anything to get him back safely. As time drew on, he panicked. Jayden was nowhere to be found. He was about ready to get a search party organized. Or he might call the police. Ji stopped from calling the police. He groaned.

Line Break

Jayden yawned so Tommy picked him up. He wasn't all that heavy which kind of concerned Tommy. His father could abuse him. Tommy decided to ask.

"What's your name?" asked Tommy.

"Jayden Shiba," said Jayden.

"How old are you, Jayden?" asked Tommy.

"I'm five and a half," said Jayden. Jason started chuckling at that. Jayden cocked his head at that.

"You're adorable. They should put a warning sign on you. WARNING: I'M ADORABLE!" said Jason. They all laughed at that.

"I'm hungry," said Jayden," Can we get something to eat?"

"Of course," said Jason.

"Hey, Jayden, does your father feed you?" asked Tommy.

"Of course!" said Jayden," He's the best Daddy ever!"

"Okay, does he hit you at all?" asked Jason, getting where Tommy was going with this.

"Only when we are training. He does hit that hard and then he'll go all "are you okay" and frantic. It can be kind of annoying, but he is really protective," said Jayden.

"What are you training for?" asked Jason.

"To be the next Samurai Red Ranger," said Jayden.

"As in a Power Ranger?" asked Tommy.

"Uh-huh," said Jayden.

"Okay," said Jason," What do you want to eat?"

"Subway!" said Jayden. He started bouncing up and down. Tommy had to hold tight so he wouldn't fall off.

"Jayden, can you stop bouncing, please?" asked Tommy.

"Okay," said Jayden, and he stopped bouncing.

After he finished eating, Jayden said," Oh wait, call this number. Daddy gave it to me in case I get lost." So Tommy Oliver called the number on his cellphone.

(Italics mean on the other side of the phone.)

"Hello," a little girl answered.

"Hey, sweetie. What's your name?" asked Tommy.

"Emily and I'm thwee," said Emily.

"Okay, Emily, can you put Mr. James on the phone," said Tommy.

"Okay," said Emily, and Tommy heard," Mr. James! Mr. James! Someone on the phone for you!"

"Okay, Emily," said a man," Hello."

"Hey, are you James Shiba?" asked Tommy.

"I am," said James.

"Hi, I'm Tommy Oliver. I'm with Jason Scott. We found this boy named Jayden Shiba at the park. Is he your son?" said Tommy.

"Yes, what do you want for him?" asked James, and he sounded a little scared.

"What do you mean?" asked Tommy.

"Jayden means everything to me. What do I have to give to get him home safely?" asked James.

"Oh, no. We're not holding him up for ransom. Can you meet us back at the park you were at with him?" asked Tommy.

"Of course," said James.

They both hung up. They started heading to the park. They were stopped by a man. He had black greasy hair and brown eyes. His teeth were orange and he was most definitely drunk.

"That's my son. Give him to me," said the man.

"No, we're going to meet his father," said Jason, and he started walking again. The man grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Tommy kicked him. He set Jayden down and stood between Jayden and the man. The man, though drunk, was still a good fighter. If he could move, none of the hits would have hit him, but he had to protect Jayden.

Jason attacked him and was able to knock him to the ground. Tommy picked up Jayden and they ran. They soon arrived at the park. The man, that they assumed was James, stood alone and looked scared.

"Hey, sorry we're late. We got in a little fight," said Jason.

"Some guy tried to take your son," said Tommy, handing Jayden over to a very-much-relieved James.

"How much?" asked James.

"How much what?" asked Jason.

"Money do you want," said James.

"I already told you. We aren't holding him for ransom. You can go without paying us. We don't want it," said Tommy.

"Really?" James asked.

"Really," said Jason.

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