Chapter 21

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Darkstalker threw the body towards a tree saying "See what happens when you mess with me kid?" He poked the corpse before saying "Even I hate to admit this, but I preferred Fathom over your.....patheticness." And he started to fly towards Peacemakers village. How about.........Winter he said "teleport me and every dragon in this kingdom to Winter and freeze them all until I say they can move again." And in a flash he was surrounded by hundreds of dragons and was in front of Winter. Almost, if not every dragon started to scream and panic, Darkstalker then walked up towards the crowd and bellowed "I AM YOUR KING! SILENCE!" And just like that...everyone shut up. Except Moon, Qibli, Winter, Deathbringer, and of course Queen Glory. He rolled his eyes before turning back to the growling Winter and said "Show us what you are really like on the inside." And just like that, Winter started clawing into himself ripping open his chest letting blue blood, and organs fall out everywhere, he could also here Moon shrieking for Darkstalker to stop, and Qibli was yelling curses at him. A few seconds passed and Winter was dead on the ground and everybody was silent. "Now do you see who your dealing with? Any intolerance will result in death!" As he thought unfreeze these dragons. Almost immediately Qibli jumped at Darkstalker and yelled to Moon "Find Turtle and run!" Darkstalker laughed and grabbed the SandWing saying "Oh that won't be necessary, I took care of Turtle for you already." Qibli roared in anger as Moon collapsed down shaking violently unmoving. "Now time to deal with you." He slithered as Darkstalker sliced Qibli's throat, dropping him, dead.

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