Chapter 1

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" I hereby declare that I am the chosen one! We will help rebuild this corrupt world, We will do our very best to bring justice to this world. We will not interfere with anyone but If anyone brings harm on us, we will not have any second thought on destroying even if its the whole world." The tv shuts down as Axel throw the remote. "Old man actually did it, but don't you think I look handsome and frickin' elegant on those suit?" Axel asked his mates. "I think you are." Heathe mumbled. "See? I told you I-" Axel was interrupted as he was boasting. "Only if you don't talk big!" Heathe burst out laughing. "Don't be so hard with little Axel, Heathe. You see he's just a trying hard innocent boy." Nox gave him a murderous glare. Everyone quite down as Phantom enters the dining area, everyone seems calm as they continue to eat.
Everyone is staying at a big mansion, one hour travel from the city. They also built a big buidling for their main office in the city,  from there they can receive and accept requests from different people or organizations, they would decline quests which involves killing or assassinations. Phantom originally has 5 members: Nox, uses lightning power, has a height of 5'3 being the smallest among them all, his hair is way too spiky but he has soft skin and usually wears shirts with hood and skinny pants, his silver eyes makes him attractive. Axel, wields wind element. A skinny dark small guy always wear tank top shirts and camouflage shorts, he might not be handsome but he has greenish eyes and dimples. Heathe who uses fire element, his eyes are as red as fire and has a height of 5'7. He has a beautiful face with a big buffed body and a barber hair cut, he is a bit tan but that what makes him handsome especially when he is wearing his army attire. Noelle granted with the power of water, she has a long white silky hair and her skin is as soft as milk. Her cyan eyes looks as peaceful as the water and her lips is kissable. Lastly, Ciel who's powers were unknown, he has the softest skin among them all like a royalty. His purple eyes that burns when he stares makes any girl screams at his sight. He would always wear long sleeves which adds to his sex appeals.
Phantom couldn't believe himself, " I am honored to raise and guide all of you. Tonight we will execute our mission, prepare yourselves!"
"Woah this is a big house, what do you say?" Axel looks around with amazement. "Let's focus on our mission, we can't afford to mess up." Nox is quite frustrated. They hurriedly checked on every rooms, the building has a total of 30 rooms over all. It is said that Mr. Jugo is involved with various illegal businesses, the clients request is for the team to find an evidence and expose him. "It's been an hour since we entered Jugo's mansion and we have not found any evidence." Noelle whined. As they enter the hall, they saw two men standing infront of a black door. It's too late when they notice, they were swept away by water. Heathe on the other hand had smashed some few men in the lower ground. A loud bang was heard all over the mansion. Everyone felt a big shake on the mansion, so they hurriedly went on the direction of the sound. As they entered the next hallway they found stairs leading to the basement. To their surprise, they saw Ciel holding an old book and a small laptop, to there surprise they saw a lot of thugs lying on the ground. They felt the chill down to their spines, its almost looks like a massacre. " Worry not, they're just unconscious. I will never forget our golden rules, plus you're all late. Let's arrest them, Jugo is not even here." He gave them a sharp glare. They received a lot amount of money in that quest, they are really suited for a job that not even the police can. Half of their earnings are being donated to the poor people; to rebuild roads or cities nearly destroyed by calamities.
A month has passed after the operation yet they haven't received any requests, it seems that they are bound to practice more of their powers. Everyone seems so troubled and confused. They have received tons of quests which proves how powerful they are but on the last quest they felt humiliated. So they decided to train in the mountain, from a certain point they decided to set their camp. Everyone set their own tents and when morning comes they all started their own trainings. Ciel is still sleeping inside his tent, when he came out he saw Phantom drinking his coffee. " Ciel, I haven't seen you trained seriously. You were still reading the book you got from our first mission. Ciel is simply stretching so Phantom pushed his wheel chair. " We need to be strong, much stronger than what we are now or else-." He sighed then he run off from the camp. "You haven't told me the truth about your magic but I can feel that you will not fail me child."
Noelle is at sitting on the rock by the waterfall, trying to meditate and being one with the water. After a while she started removing her robe and dive into the river, she started practicing her moves. Heathe started chopping big woods, and place them in a wide open field. He is practicing firing on a longer range. Ciel is just reading ancient books and trying to solve some puzzles. Electric rods are being arranged from the foot up to peak of the mountain, Nox is making sure everything will be set up so he can try his new move. Axel is simply soaring in the sky, enjoying the view when he suddenly saw group of people wearing black suits. He tried to follow them for a while and saw 2 beautiful lady, but it looks like they we're hostages. They stopped on a small cave and he's suspecting that they will camp inside since its almost dusk. He return to their camp and explain everything to them.
" It looks suspicious to me, I cannot agree with this plan." It seems that Ciel has a bad feeling about this. Axel became furious and started bad mouthing Ciel. " How can you be like this, those two girls needs to be saved. How heartless you can be? If you don't want to help, fine with me! I can do it with my own." As he flew away, Heathe and Noelle just came and ask about what's happening.
As Axel passed the river he saw the cave, there stand two men guarding the entrance. Axel is a bit rush, he's really into those girls being kidnapped. He used his wind power to make the trees and bush brush wildly making it looks like a person is sneaking. The guards check on but they saw nothing, they came back on their post but Axel have passed through. As he enter the cave, to his surprise he was caught by a steel net. He can't break through. "Struggling is futile my friend, hahahaha!" A men in a red suit, grabs the net and poked his face. "How'd you knew-." He was stopped when the man pressed the button and he was electrified. " We were checking on your movements, looking for an opening to capture one of you and steal this powers of yours!" He smirk as he ordered his men to drag him to a certain room.
It was dark and I can't see a thing, i feel so weak, i feel so frustrated. I hated myself for being so weak! I am so useless! As they remove my blindfold I was blinded by the light, I'm still sitting on a chair. I made an ugly face as i saw a young lady tied and naked. It looks like I'm splitting apart, how can a human be so heartless?
The man wearing a red suit is actually making a demon face while touching her body, as he kiss her neck wildly and play with her breast my mind is going blank. He then cut off the rope and lay her on the ground, he started licking her belly and with a a glimpse i saw the girl crying. It breaks my heart, he's licking her pussy; playing with it like a toy while she's crying in pain. I was frozen, I couldn't move my body. He unzip his pants and as he pull out his enormous and disgusting penis, my mouth is watering, I feel like vomiting. He remove the clothe in her mouth, as he put his stuff inside her vagina I can hear her scream in agony. He looked at me with a devilish smile as he thrust on her legs. I think i snapped, I can feel the heat on my whole body it feels like It's going to burst.
"Where am I?" I looked around and this place looks familiar. "Why am I here? What's the meaning of this?" I saw myself coming in to the apartment drunk and stinky. As I entered I forgot to lock the door and headed straight to the bedroom. "Hey atleast close the fucking door! Please I'm begging you!" I cried as i see myself sleeping on the floor while my girlfriend is sound asleep. The door creaked and my heart beats fast, I look behind me and I see two men holding a gun. And I just closed my eyes since I can't bear to watch my girlfriend being raped while I was drunk and as I open my eyes all I can seenis her dead naked body. I fell on my knees as I cry.
Meanwhile on reality, I was out of my mind and as I floated, I was engulfed with strong winds. It was like a tornado, tearing up anything that my wind touches. The man in red tried to escape but he was caught up by my wind and his body was awfully ripped off! "Axel, get a hold of yourself! What the hell happened?" Heathe is extremely worried as he entered the cave. The wind is so strong, they saw a glowing white magic circle underneath his feet. "He has awaken his magic unconsciously, he must be stopped he's not yet ready. His body will not take it, he's not gonna make It If this continues." Phantom shouted. "How can we stop him?" Noelle is holding her skirt. "Think, what element can stop this wind?" He won't last long they need to hurry.
After a few minutes of trying, not any of them were able to stop him until Heathe got pissed off. "I said stop! You troublesome jerk. I'm gonna kill you right here, right now!" Engulfing fire to himself, veins popping out from his necks and forehead. "Ahhhhhhhh." He concentrated on the fire until the wind was sucked by the fire like a water evaporating. "You son of a-! Stooooooooooooop!" Heathe fainted after using so much power, Ciel came over to check on Axel. His body was filled with bruises and wounds.
Three days have passed and Axel hasn't woken up and Heathe is still recovering from exhaustion. "Phantom can you tell us what happened to Axel? What is that weird glowing light underneath his feet?" Everyone turns their eyes to Phantom as he was about to speak. "He ummmmm, he activated the tier 2 of his powers, he needs a proper training in order for him to fully control this stage but he-." He was trembling as he sat down on the couch. Ciel suddenly stood up and ask. "What Tier 2 are you talking about?" He sighed. "Let me guys tell you the history of elemental magic."

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