Chapter 4

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         "Ah! Ah! Stop it! Ah! Ah! You're so big! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!- ummmmm- Ah...." her body is leaning on the tree as her legs are wide spread and being held by a man. "I know, just enjoy the moment." He was pounding hard on her legs. As he reached the climax he bit her back that made her scream loudly. "Clean this mess." As he hold on his thing. The girl sucked his dick and made him come again. "I want you to do a certain job and you will have some more of this." She nods as she wipes her face and picked up a bag full of silver coins.
          "It is starting, my friend. I think it's time for us to make our move." He was speaking to his shadow when suddenly the shadow move by itself. "It's still early for you to move, let's watch first." He smashed the table and was split into half. "You want me stay still knowing that they even used forbidden magic? Those creatures are from The Book of Theus, which you know a forbidden magic from the Fire Kingdom in the past?" The shadow didn't response. "After you fought them I am sure that they are still tregaining their strength somewhere in the forest. The one who summons them will be alert, once they show their selves then that is the time we will crush them."
          "Have you found them?" Heathe enters the Meeting room. "Not yet, but we found something interesting." He showed them a photo of an organization lurking near the creepy creatures. "I've never seen this symbol before, an independent organization perhaps." He was staring at the photo when he burst out of laughing. "What's funny?" He looked out the window. "Finally, I will be able to crush them. Whoever they may be, I'll burn them to hell." After the meeting they sent some troops to patrol the area.
"The creatures are currently hibernating and would actually take 2 days for them to fully recover." A man wearing black suit salutes as he face a lady. "Prepare then! In two days we will attack." She paused as she took out something from her pocket. It was a locket, she keeps rubbing the picture inside it. "Inform him that we need him in time." He nods and quickly disappeared her sight. "I just wish he would cooperate this time and stop his rebellious act." She chuckled.
"Where is my toy! I told you that it should be ready after dinner! As he punch the guard and was slammed on the wall. "Go and find one!" He shouted as he shut his door. They hurriedly went outside the camp. He was completely naked lying on his bed as he plays on this thing when he heard a knock on the door. "WHAT NOW?" He screamed. "I-t's h-ere, S-ir!" A man nervously shouted. "What are you waiting for? Bring it in!" They open the door as they pushed it inside. As they stood outside the door, they would hear her scream and cry in pain. All they can do is endure it and feel hopeless to the girl, after an hour the door opened and the girl ran nakedly holding on her torn dress, blood dripping off the floor as she ran. They felt disgusted on the scene but they couldn't do anything, the last time a guard stood up for a girl he was nearly killed and was raped by him. This guy is a monster, I doubt even monster would fear his sight.
"Are you sure no one noticed you little girl?" She nods and wipes the tears on her eyes. He gave her two bags of silver coins that, she happily walked away as he give her a smirk. "I just need for the right time, they've probably sent some men to scout the Nemesis." A man appeared behind him, he just nods as he receive the message. His eyes glows as he smirk and disappeared in the shadow.
It still dark but Ciel is already up, he went off somewhere. Noelle woke up by the brush of the bushes, she took a dagger under her pillow(for protection, you know) she sighed as she saw Nox coming out from the tree. "You scared me! I thought you were from the army, thank goodness! W-wait! How are you? Y-your wounds?" He smiled as he sat near the small fire. "I-I'm fine, I just saw the smoke from your fire so I followed it and hoping it was from the team." He was looking at the sky. "I'm sorry we didn't help you back then." She got up and sat beside him. "You were there as well? Good thing they didn't notice you. Those creatures are strong. T-they /ev-en killed Dorothy, I- I cannot do any-thing!" He puts his hands on his face as tears fall. She hugged him tightly as she rubs his back to comfort him. Axel on the other hand wake up and join them. "We are still thinking of who might be responsible for all of these things." She is just poking the fire while Axel is lying down the grass. "Heathe almost killed me, I'm suspecting he- No! The military is the one responsible for this." They got curious since he was spacing out. "We can't blame him, even I will suspect anyone in the team. Actually, I only trust the two of you." Axel just shrugged his shoulders. "How can you say that?" Noelle exclaimed. "You're too kind Noelle so you probably don't understand at all, Axel is an idiot so I wouldn't suspect the two of you. Heathe is with the military, he is my first suspect but sometimes I doubt. The only one I can suspect is Ciel, he hasn't shown his powers on anyone. He works alone all the time, by the time we train hard he is just sitting and reading books. We never knew where he is from, he's so mysterious." Noelle was about to say something when Axel speaks. "He helped us a lot but I can't stop thinking, how did he know some complicated magics. How was he able to conclude things easily, yes, I know he's a smart guy but it looks like everything is obvious to him. Remember when I tried saving the two girls? He objected, right?" Noelle got puzzled and she somewhat realized that. "I will find Phantom, I believe we all need to regroup. If he objects this, he probably might be planning on something and If you felt unsecure here." He handed them small lightning orbs. "This are for?" He rolled his eyes. "Communication device, just say my name and it will connect on mine." They nod and he walked away.

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