A day with the twins

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A day with the twins is a mess. it's a miracle that Jaemin is still alive, actually that anyone is is alive. a day with May and Jisung are full of pranks, laughs, screaming and random stuff. but they claim that all they do, they have learned form the older members.
When Jisung woke up today he knew it was going to be a good day. May was finally coming to the dream dorm and he was beyond excited to see her again. she had been with 127 a lot since the comeback, but finally it was our turn. He got his hoodie and a hoodie for her, since he knew she want one. he got out of his room and into the kitchen.
when Jisung got to the kitchen he froze. May was sitting at a chair, and it felt like an forever since they had been together. As Jisung called her name, she looked up at the tall boy and ran into his arms. "Jisung-ah!" she held tight onto the boy and he span her around. "I've been missing you." she kissed his forehead and looked him into the eyes. "I got you your favorite "my" hoodie." he sat her down at the floor again as she jumped in excitement. The rest of dream that sat at the table knew it was going to be a long day and night. but had to smile to themself when they realized that they were lucky to see them grow up.

may suh smith|| Nct 24nd memberWhere stories live. Discover now