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cold. May turned in her bed and gave up. she had been trying to sleep for the past two hours but nothing was working. her eyes didn't want to shut and her body wouldn't rest. "hey baby, you mind stop turning?" the tired voice of Mark made her sigh. she should have respect for her boyfriend that needed his sleep. "sorry." she stopped herself from saying more. she knew if she said one more word he would stay up all night with her, something he didn't deserve. he needed his rest and she just needed to sleep. but why couldn't she. "okey, sleep well babe." he covered himself better and was fast asleep again. she gave up and went out of bed, she then went to the balcony and let the air in. it felt so refreshing. oh how she missed home. she missed being able to sleep. she had been like this for the last week, but didn't tell anyone. "I asked you to sleep." his arms wrapped around her waist and her breath was heavy. "sorry." she whispered, hoping it would end here. "why are you awake? what are you hiding?" his head on her shoulder, his arms holding her so close, his voice telling her he is there and his embrace keeping her warm. "I can't sleep. I feel so wired." she hung her head low and Mark turned her around. "hey, I am here. why didn't you tell me? I can help." "no, you need to rest too, I am not what the world is spinning around, I am not the most important thing in the world, I am not worth it, I am-" he stopped her by hugging her. and she felt a few tears fall down. "for me you are. you are everything for me and I need you to know that. I need you to understand that I am here for you and that I love you." he kissed her head and picked her up. she wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her face in his neck. he carried her to the bed and cuddled her up. "I'll hold you the whole night. you won't feel alone." once more he kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes. "thank you Mark. I love you." she snuggled more up to him and he smiled. "I love you too." after a while they both were of to sleep.

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