homesick angel

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A/N: This is dedicated to @blueandblackitsablur and to the people who have hurt and hurt and fell down, but are now standing up. Thank you, @blueandblackitsablur for inspiring me! I hope you don't mind that I wrote this poem. 

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you're wearing thin down

to the core

and you feel like you're nothing,

you're in a war

and you're not sure 

who's winning

because it feels like

your whole world 

is spinning.

your heavy heart 

is in the dark

and it seems

that it can crack the ground

and that the only place

you feel alive

is in your dreams

because it seems

it's where you can be free

to be you. 

your hand

touches the bottle

and you take some pills,

trying to dull

the pain inside

and curl up on your bed

and let the demons

inside your head

whisper lies;

i wish you knew

that you're not hurting

only yourself

but me too

when you do this;

you're made 

for so much more.

you're a homesick angel

and you cradle 

your baby scars,

just wanting to go home

to be with the stars;

and i know 

you want to fly

but it's not your time;

not yet, love. 

though, you plant

seeds that came 

dripping down

from your chheeks,

know that in the morning

instead of sorrow,

tomorrow it'll be 

sprouting joy;

and i know it's night

and there's barely light

shining, right now;

but i promise you,

soon you'll be home

just not now.

spread your wings

and let the angels' songs

caress your skin

instead of sharp playthings 

like razors and knives 

and blades

touch your skin

and softly draw

and brush

with splashes

of red paint

because you weren't

meant for this;

you were meant for 

a happily after all

not a fall.

so let your heart

be filled truth

instead of lies 

that aren't true

and let light 

hug you 

in its comforting embrace

instead of night's

cold fingers

grip you,

giving you

black and blue

and blue and black bruises.

so let light

hold your heart

and be a band-aid

to seal

the cracks

in yourself

and love you

for you're meant 

to be whole

and loved

and touched

by light and not darkness;

you've come this far,

don't give up now. 

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