Chapter Two

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The next morning, I woke up and looked around just to see I had an hour left to sleep. Rolling over, I pulled my pillow over my head blocking out the sunlight that was trying to peek through my blinds. An hour later, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, my alarm echoed loud throughout my room. Reluctantly, I pulled myself out of bed and went to use the bathroom.

"Are you up in there?" My mom yelled from the opposite side of the door before swinging the door open. "Yes Mom," I said after I spit my toothpaste out. "I can't stay, honey. Breakfast is on the stove," she said before kissing me on my forehead and rushing out the door. I didn't even have time to respond, so I just nodded and forced a smile.

I grabbed my khaki shorts and green shirt. Pulling them on, I looked around and found my hoodie on the back of my chair. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a plate covered by the microwave protector. I smiled when I saw what was under it, my favorite blueberry waffles and some fluffy eggs.

I was startled when I heard my dad, because he's usually the first one to leave. "Good morning son," "Good morning Dad," I replied as he entered the kitchen with a briefcase in one hand and files in another. "You need some help dad?"I asked since he looked to be struggling. "Yes, put these files in my briefcase, I am all discombobulated this morning," he added. I could see my dad must not have gotten much sleep from the bags under his eyes.

"I didn't get much sleep last night,"he stated as if reading my thoughts. I watched as he poured a cup of coffee and grabbed his lunch from the refrigerator. I sat there in silence eating my breakfast and drinking my milk. "Bye Cooper, have a good day at school," he waved me off. Sometimes, I wish I were homeschooled that way I could be around one of my parents more often. After that thought, I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door to catch the bus as soon as it pulled up. "Morning," Mr. Grey greeted me as I stepped onto the bus. "Morning," I said looking around for a seat. About midway, I saw an empty seat. As soon as I was about to sit down, Bob plopped down in it with a grin displayed on his face. Who is Bob you may ask? Bob Glostner has been my bully ever since I entered middle school. He always had his trusty side kick Jason around. When I didn't see him, I started to get antsy.

Before I could turn around, someone pushed me. Fortunately, I caught my balance digging my nails into the seats as my backpack hung off my shoulder. Turning around, I saw it was none other than Jason (Bob's shadow). "Pop a squat kid," a few kids laughed as Bob and Jason hi-fived each other. My day is already starting out bad as you can see.

I exhaled in relief when the bus stopped, because if I couldn't facee my problem I could always hide from it. Not even looking up, I headed straight for the bathroom. Something has to change, especially since report cards come out next Friday. How will I explain to my parents my performance in school? Eventually, the truth is bound to come out, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. In the meantime, I am in the bathroom with the door locked. Apparently, they're too stupid to think I would hide in the bathroom.

Everytime I hear the door open, my body tense up. I was as still as the statue of liberty, taking in small, shallow breaths. "We know your in here," I swallowed hard as I recognized that familiar voice. Someone begin pushing the doors open one at a time. I held my breath as I fear that he was getting closer and begin to look around for an escape. When I realized there was no way out of this I almost pissed my pants. Flinching, as I heard someone jiggling the lock eager to get it open.

The next thing I know, I see Bob's face under the stall. He is grinning like a maniac. I started kicking trying to get him away. "Your gonna pay for that punk," he spat as he moved out from under the stall. It had gotten quiet, so I assumed they were gone. As soon as I relaxed, my eyes grew wide when I saw Jason and Bob struggling to get in at the same time. Immediately, I cringed in fear of what was about to happen next.

Before I knew it Jason pulled me out and held me down while Bob punched me. "Didn't I tell you, you would pay for that punk," he spit in my face then banged my head against the sink.i heard the door open and I tried to see if someone was about to try and at least help me.

"Look at me ! Bob spat. He begin throwing more blows to my face and my eye felt like it was bleeding. All of a sudden, I gouged Jason in the eyeswith my index and middle fingers. He started cursing and blindly swing making little to no attempt at hitting me back. Then I kicked Bob where the sun don't shine a couple time and he doubled over. I bolted out the door like a bat out of hell and I didn't stop until I reached the top of the school building.

My lips were busted, I had two black eyes and I'm pretty sure my nose is broken. I begin pacing the roof back and forth to come up with a solution. Then, I smiled a evil smile, It's like a light bulb went off in my head to end all this madness. My legs started moving before my brain could have time to process what I was about to do. The next thing I know, I am hanging from the roof contemplating whether I should fall or not. There's blood everywhere, my left hand just slipped and as soon as it did I realized this is not worth dying over. This is the end, I thought as I closed my eyes.

Wiping my hands on my shorts, I managed to get a good grip back on the building holding on for dear life. All of a sudden, a girl whom I had never seen walked over to me. "Omg, what are you doing?" She gasped covering her mouth in utter shock. "What does it look like?" I gritted out the clenched teeth. "No matter what's going on,it's not worth taking your life," she encouraged me.

Cooper let the words sink in for a minute and he looked down, it did seem like a long ways down. In that moment, he realized she was right. "Grab my hand, I'll pull you up," she extended her hand. Honestly, I wasn't too sure about this, but it was my only hope. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up. Apparently, you can't judge a book by its cover, because she was stronger than she looked.

"Thanks," I said catching my breath. "No problem," she responded. "What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Copper and yours?" He asked. "I'm Jane." "So Cooper, What happened and why is there blood everywhere?" She asked examining his bloody face. "Bob and his friend Jason has been bullying me ever since I moved to middle school. It has never went this far, but I just can't take it anymore," I said. "It's ok, I got your back," she assured me. After all of this time, someone has finally reached out to me. I guess there is some glimmer of hope through all of this," I thought to myself.

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