Chapter Nine: Advice

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Advice to a victim when dealing with a bully:

Walk Away: Sometimes walking away can be the easiest thing to do. If a bully approaches you, you don't necessary have to make a scene or fight back, just simply turn away and go your way. Now, if the bully follows you you can always tell an adult in authority and the situation will be handled. Bullies want to know they have control over your emotions so don't react with anger or retaliate with physical force.

Protect yourself:  If you can't seem to walk away and you ate being physically hurt try and make escaping a main priority.

Report the bullying to someone such as an authority figure: If you don't report being physically harmed or assaulted by someone, the bully will see this and may become even more aggressive.

Repeat as necessary: The same as the bully, you have to be relentless. Report each time something happens, in order for the issue to be resolved.

There is also a hotline: 1866-488-7386 .

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