Chapter 7: Memorial

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Today is Friday, the day Cooper's memorial should be held in town.bill and Cara had already informed all their closest friends and family. Jane, Sue and Tyler were preparing to get theirselves together.

In the meantime, Cara and Bill are at the store buying frames to place pictures of Cooper inside, Balloons, candles etc. "It looks like we came to the right place, everything here is at a reasonable price," Bill commented. "Of course, Party city has it all," Cara agreed. After shopping fifteen to twenty more minutes, they left the store and headed home.

"Calm down Jane, before you have a nervous break down," Sue tried to calm her friend. Taking a deep breath, Jane sat down to collect her thoughts. She had been ripping and running, I was beginning to worry about her.

"I just want everything to be perfect," Jane said. Its my fault he's dead, I should've made sure he came with us, but we were too busy trying to get to you. Now that I think about it, its your fault not mine. If you hadn't ran out, we wouldn't have went after you and Cooper would still be alive," Jane accussed. Sue sat there looking appalled.

"Are you serious?" Its not my fault, nor is it anyone elses. Cooper could have told someone and the issue would have been handled. I will NOT take the responsibility for this !" Sue said standing up crossing her arms.

"Wait a minute!" Tyler stepped in between the two girls about to have a cat fight. We are friends guys, we shouldn't be fighting one another. If anything, Cooper's actions should bring us closer together. Now quit acting like children  and playing the blame game, let's be mature about this. Now hug it out and go get dressed, we have half an hour before the memorial starts," Tyler said walking off fixing his tie.

We both stood back and looked at Tyler open-mouthed. Reluctantly, we hugged and made up, and went to get dressed. Tyler has never acted like that before, which is why we were kind of shaken up by his little rant. Though, we know he was right, so we straightened up for our own sake.

"Knock! Knock! Tyler banged on the door. "You two ready in there?" He asked. "We're coming," Sue and Jane both responded at the same time. Ten minutes later, they both came out dressed and putting on lip gloss.

Lilly walked in the house and looked around not even surprised that Janes friends were over. "You children ready?" Lilly asked. "Yes Mom, Jane spoke up for all of us, then the four of us piled into the Suv. On the way to the memorial, the air was filled with silence. I guess everyone must have been preparing what they would say. As I looked up, I realized we had slowed down and my mom was searching for somewhere to park.

I guess Sue must have noticed how my demeanor changed, she grabbed my hand, squeezed it and smiled at me. Realizing her and Tyler's hands were intertwined, I smiled. The four of us got out and made our way over to where the memorial was being held. My mom looped her arms with mine, since she felt disconnected from the trio we had formed. There was definitely no reason to cry when you have this much love surrounding you.

When we joined the crowd, I noticed there were several picture frames, flowers and candles set out front. Some balloons were tied to each arm of a big teddy bear. A tall lady with brown hair was holding a mic and singing "because of who you are", by Celine Dion. My mom, Sue, Tyler and I all swayed to the music.

"Two minute speeches will be given at this time," Cooper's mom announced. Tyler, Sue and I walked up to the podium hand in hand. Tyler held the mic to give his speech, it was short and sweet. Next, Sue gave her speech, and it was direct and straight to the point. I took a deep breath as they handed me the mic.

"Good evening everyone, I'm thankful to be here on today. I've only known Cooper in a short time frame, but I learned in that time that he was a benevolent and warm-hearted person. I lent him a hand when he was at the end of his rope and he opened up to me and I was there to help him cope.  He may be gone, but never forgotten. Cooper will remain in each and every one of our hearts as we remember his as the way he was," I said placing the mic on its stand and stepping down.

We all gazed in the sky as Cooper's family members along with cousins, aunts and uncles let there sky lanterns float away into the sky. A single tear fell as I stood there amazed at how beautiful they looked lightening the sky up. Wiping my tear away, I smiled as a thought popped into my head. Cooper is probably smiling down on us right now," I thought to myself as I smiled.

Later, Cooper's remains were whipped away in the wind. We said our goodbye's and headed over to Bill's and Cara's to join them in a feast. Why is there always food when someone dies? I asked myself the same question, but I guess it's to fill their stomach to replace the void from the loss of a loved one.

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