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CHAPTER FIVEFETCHING MADELEINE "my v is for vendetta"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"my v is for vendetta"

    The carriage ride had lasted a lot longer than Aurora had anticipated. As well as that, the carriages were surprisingly small, making sure that she was pressed to Francis' side. But, the cushions were very comfortable.

     Mary had made sure Aurora was sitting by Francis when they got in. Her argument was "I am aware that you don't like him very much, so I wanted the two of you to get better known. You'll realize how great he is.". No, Aurora thought, no he is not great at all.

     She would rather be stuck in the middle of the woods at night than in this carriage with Francis. But at least his little brother, Charles, was there. That way Francis couldn't pull anything. Or at least that was what Aurora believed.

When Charles was caught up staring at the passing landscape outside, he leaned closer to the red head. "I know this isn't the place you'd like to be in this very moment, but now that-"

"Charles, are you excited about meeting Madeleine? I've heard whispers that she is very pretty." Aurora cut Francis off, pretending that she hadn't even heard him. Francis almost wanted to laugh at her lame attempt to ignore him.

"Yes, well I don't fancy girls like her." He said. Aurora arched a brow.

"How so? Who do you fancy if not pretty girls like her?" She asked. He grinned widely, catching both her and Francis by surprise when he spoke his next words.

"I want a proper lady, like you." She blinked repeatedly while Francis coughed loudly.

"I'm sorry, what?" She said, letting out a laughter. "Awh, you are adorable Charles, but I am afraid I am a little too old for you."

He shrugged his shoulders. "You needn't worry, it seems Francis and Sebastian both have given you their hearts, so you don't need mine as well." Francis and Aurora shared an awkward look.

"Francis is to wed my sister, Charles, and as for Bash. . . Well, he and I are simply friends." Aurora tried her best to excuse. Charles gave her a curt nod before returning his attention elsewhere.

"You speak of me like I am a plague, Princess. Whatever have I done to make you feel this deep dismay in me?" The dauphin dared ask. He wondered if it was how he had snuck up on her that one night, but he had apologized for that.

"I am nothing but just that to you. A princess. But let me inform you of something. I am not Mary. She may be Queen, but I will not let anyone step on me. So, yes, you have done something to make me feel nothing but disgust towards you. Your apologies and words mean little to me without actions. Until you are ready to show me that you are sorry, I suggest you return your attention to my sister and your wife." He was taken off guard by her answer. He had never met someone who had dared speak to him in this manner. And yet, he didn't feel insulted. It felt somewhat refreshing. Before he could manage to utter another word in her direction, the carriage halted. Faster then deemed possible the red head stood, not waiting for a gentleman to help her out. She instead jumped out, letting her feet bury themselves and get dirtied up by the mud and grass underneath. Francis and finally Charles followed suit, exiting after one another.

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