You Break My Heart

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You're insecure about everything from your personality, to your body, to the way in which you act. You hate everything about yourself, only focusing on the things you lack. You sabotage your efforts, always hitting the self-destruct. Then you cry and wonder why it is that in life you're so stuck. My dear, you take a step forward, panic, and then run three steps back. Listening to others' opinions is how you form your own self-fact. You seek out unhealthy relationships, searching for the ones who exert and use. It's in your friends, your lovers, and all, you allow yourself to be subject to all kinds of abuse. You take care of everybody but yourself, even if it means weakening your own foundation. You rebuild just to have to tear it down for somebody else, what an awful equation. But when they leave, what are you left with? Self-pity, resentment, and agony. And to make up for that, you pursue what makes you feel good: drugs, sex, and yet another bad relationship; it's a tragedy. You break my heart, with all these efforts just to feel okay in your own skin. I pray you'd stop looking for love on the outside and start looking for it within. Love and respect yourself first, and I promise others will, too. And you won't have to earn their love, they'll just love you for being you. Oh, you break my heart, my dear, you never learning to love yourself as I love you is my greatest fear. You are smart, strong, and beautiful. Say it. Mean it. Don't let nobody tell you otherwise. And more than that, you deserve better, and don't you dare ever compromise.

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