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Nico's P.O.V.

        I smiled at Will on the Iris message. He asked, "So what have you been up to?"
"Not much," I confessed, "I found out I have another sister, so it's been really good. How's the quest?"
"These Romans don't get the concept of leather armour," Will chuckled, "You should see them trying to keep up with me when we're running from monsters,"
"Must be hilarious,"
"It is indeed. Ugh, I have to go. They're driving me crazy. I hope to be back sometime this week maybe next week,"
"Can't wait," I chuckled, "I want you to meet Nadia, she's alot of fun,"
"A friend?"
"Yeah, she's my sister's best friend along with Jeremie from the Hebe cabin,"
"Must be fun," he laughed, "Youth, parties, and death. Sounds morbid,"
"I don't want to find out,"
"See ya Nico," he said waving, "I have to go,"
"Bye Will," I said. Eventually, the image faded and I was left standing alone. For some reason, y thoughts drifted to Nadia. I didn't have much experience with girls that weren't my sisters.
          She was really nice. Rarely ever did people treat me normally. Nadia didn't seemed bothered by the fact that I was a son of Hades. I suppose it was because she spent so much time with Grace, who was also a child of the underworld. I realized too, that I was scared. Terrefied actually. I was scared to hurt Nadia. Scared that she might have have feelings for me and that I'd have to crush them. It was ridiculous, but Grace and Jeremie had been hinting that. Rubbing my face, I decided to call Hazel.

          When Hazel answered, I imediatelly asked her, "How do I know if a girl has feelings for me?"

She blinked and answered, "If she has been looking at you, and her friends keep hinting it, I guess you can be possitive she likes you. Why?"

"Curiosity," I shrugged, "Thanks Hazel. I'll visit soon. Bye,"

"Bye Nico,"

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