Chapter five

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Cali magcon
Alexis POV:
I got up then I got a call from jack g's girlfriend
Covo with Isabella
A- hey what's up
I-well..... I am joining magcon
A-omg omg omg NO WAYYY I screamed into the phone then all the boys came running in
I- yes way!!!
A- YASS me and M need another girl over here
A- when are you coming I ask
I-well... I'll be there during magcon so in an hour
A- Ahhh see you there
I-ok byeee
A- byeeee
End of convo
Me and Isabella have been best friends since kindergarten I am the one who set up her and G
GUYSSSSS  I screamed
WHATTTYY they screamed back they were all now sitting so I ran over and sat in tay lap
oh I already knew that g said
Oh course you knew I said laughing well everyone out I need to change and I need your help tay I said as everyone walked out as I was walking to my closet and came out looking rly cute

 I'll be there during magcon so in an hour A- Ahhh see you there I-ok byeeeA- byeeeeEnd of convo Me and Isabella have been best friends since kindergarten I am the one who set up her and G GUYSSSSS  I screamed WHATTTYY they screamed back they were...

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Babe you look rly cute today tay said
Aww thx I said and pecked his lips
Let's gooo I said running away and out of the room
Ok ok he said running after me
*at magcon*
Alexis POV:
As I looked at the exit I see Isabella running towards me so I got up and ran and jumped on her then I got down then we started jumping everywhere and just then Elle came over......
Hey I am Elle she said
Listen up here bitch don't you ever and I mean ever call my best friend a slut I again and then walked away
Well none even likes Alexis she mumbled before I  could say anything Isabella came over and kicked her stomach then punched her Then me and Isabella walked away as I was walking to Taylor I got pushed by Matt then he punched me rly hard then I got really dizzy then everything thing blacked out.......
Cams POV:
Just as the girls were walking over to us matt pushed Alexis I was about to go and punch him then he punched Alexis then she just layed there and I ran over crying
MATT WHAT DID YOU DO I screamed as I was crying and then Taylor punched him then Isabella came over
SOMEONE CALL 911 she screamed then Bart ran over and was dialing 911
*At the hospital*
Cams POV:
MATT THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT i screamed at him
Well she punched my girlfriend he said
Then the doctor came out
What is wrong, is she ok I kept throwing questions like this at the doctor
Well she hit her head really hard that she is in a coma the doctor said
Can we go see her I asked
Yes but two at a time she said
Ok can me and Taylor go separate because I am her brother and he is her boyfriend
Yes you can she said
Man go first Taylor said
Thanks man I said and hugged him
As I walking in she look so life less.... I ran over to her and grabbed her hand
Hey you can't leave me ok? You have to stay here every one needs Alexis I love you with all my heart and it was my job to keep you safe and I didn't and I am so sorry for that I have my self to blame and I am going to see if Bart can cancel the rest of the tour for now I love you little sis and kissed her fore head
Taylor POV:
As i had my head in my hands crying cam came out and nodded then I ran back to go she Alexis
She looked so....lifeless so I ran over to the chair and grabbed her hand
You Alexis can't leave me I need you ever since I saw you on cams vine I fell in love with you and I can't see my life without you in it and if- if you aren't here I don't see any reason for me to be in this planet so if you go I go and I mean that, where ever you go in life I am going with you, which mean I am going to marry you, you are going to be the mother of my children, and we are going to grow old together, so I do not approve of you leaving me so wake up for me
That was so beautiful said cam
Man I can't live a life with out her in it I said bursting into tears
I know I can't either he said crying and then we hugged just crying together........

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