Chapter nine

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Alexis POV:
GIRLSSSSSS Elle screamed running into our room
WHATTT i screamed then we all started laughing
So I was thinking what if we turned into bad girls and see how the boys react Elle said
YASSS GURRLLL Isabella said
EEKKKKK i said and they all looked at me
And you can wear what you are wearing right now M said and then they dragged me and sat me down on a stool...........
*2 hours later*

*2 hours later*

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  GUYS WE LOOK GOOD!!! i screamed
Hell ya we do M said
Ok let's go and we all grabbed our phones

As we were walking out of the elevator we saw these cute boys and since Isabella broke up with G she was checking them out.....
Are you guys thinking what I am thinking I said and they nodded and all tru boys say us and there mouths dropped and then I saw Taylor with his mouth wide out and went over to him
If you keep your mouth open your gonna check a fly dumbass I said and laughed and so did the girls
Well we are going to get our selves some boys so excuse us I said and bumped Taylor's shoulder
Ow I heard him then I let the girls go and told  elle to stay
So I was wondering if I could make out with Matt to make Taylor jealous I asked nervously
Haha ofc girl I dint care about him anymore she said
Ahah ok I did and hugged her then she went up to a boy And I walked over to Taylor
Watch this tay I said and he nodded I went up to Matt and started making out with him and he obviously kissed back cause he likes me and then I pulled away
How does it fell Taylor, how does it feel for me to kiss one of your fucking bestfriend I yelled at him the. The girls came over
It's not worth it elle said loud enough so that all the boys could hear then M went up to Taylor
And don't you ever think that I would get with you you fucktard she did and smacked his head and walked away with me and the girls following behind
*in hotel room*
Taylor's pov:
Did you guys see that coming I ask as we all sat down next to each other
No i didn't all of them said including Matt
Matt how was Alexis kiss Aaron asked and I gave Aaron's glare like are you serious bro
Well it was really good Taylor was luck to of had her he said
Oh I am gonna get her back i said And walked out of the door and down to the lobby and sat there and grabbed a water and paid for it
Then I saw elle, mahogany, Isabella, and the most beautiful girl I have seen, Alexis and she saw me and we held on to a stare and then she said something to the girls and they nodded then she walked over to me......
Alexis POV:
Taylor looked down so I told the girls I would catch up with them and walked over to tay- I mean Taylor
Hey I said
hi he said blankly
You looks little sad I said
Well you look so happy He said giving me a smile
Ugh miss that smile and those braces
Well I am acting like hah on the out side but in the inside I am broke Taylor I said choking on my words
I am soo sorry Alexis he said hugging me I was hesitant at first then I gave in then hugged him back ughhh his smell is soo good
I miss you so much Taylor I said kinda crying
I do too he said choking in his words looking up at me
Well.. um I have to go i said and started walking away
Wait he said
I only kissed M because I was jealous of you and Shawn he said
I know i forgive you tay I said
Omg thx so much he said  and then kissed me I was so surprised but he pulled away after I wasn't kissing back then we both got in the elevator
I am so sorry it was an instinct he said looking down I grabbed his chin and crashed my lips into his and he stopped the elevator and I pulled away
Why did you do that I asked
Because since we have to keep this secret let s enjoy it rn while we can he said
Haha ok I said and jumped and he leaned my back against the elevator wall and then we pressed the stop button again and it started moving but since we were in the top floor we still had the chance to kiss then we heard the ding and separated and I fixed my clothes and hair while he fixed his hair and bandanna and then the elevator stopped and we walked to cam and nashes room and stopped in front of it and kissed one last time
Stay out her for like 2 minutes then come in I said and kissed him before I went back in
Hey guys I said while the door was closing
Hi they said and tackled me to the ground
I honestly felt kinda bad that Matt might be going to jail so I am just going to drop the charges I texted my lawyer and he said that he would tell the judge then Taylor walked in and I winked at him and he smiled
So everyone gather around I said as the girls were walking in with guys
So who ar- actually I don't even want to know just sit down I said and they sat down
So as I was sitting matt was getting up
No Matt this is about you I said and he rolled his eyes
Ok Matt I can just keep the charges against you and then pulled out my phone
Noooo that won't be nessary he said and I laughed
Ok guys so I wanted to say well let's start off with Matt, Matt you were my best friend long before I liked you but I LIKED I don't anymore I said and his face fell and I miss my baeee i said whining
Well I miss my bub and he came over and picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his torso
I missed you bae I said and kissed his cheek and I looked at Taylor and he was just glaring at Matt then I got down
Ok now for the other person Taylor, Taylor I love Matt so much, but you are different I love love you as I want to be the mother I of your children, I want to marry you, I want to grow old together I said and he looked like he was about to cry and he ran over to me and lifted me of the ground and I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him really hard and everyone awwwwed even Matt
Ok guys now for Elle, Elle me and you got off on the wrong foot and I am so terribly sorry for ripping your nose ring out and everyone laughed, so what I am saying is that I love you bitch sooo much you are my bestfriend that is didnt know I need to my friend group with M and Isabella and she ran over to me and knocked me down
Well I didn't see this coming hayes said and I went over to hayes and hugged him while he was sitting down but I straddled him and kissed his nose
I didn't forget about the my best friend since day one I said and hugged him super tight
Then I got off of him and then Taylor was right there in one knee and I was about to speak but he cut me of
Don't worry it isn't a proposal he said and laughed
It is a promise ring I promise you that I will never leave you you will never be alone.....
soo will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend again he asked and looked at everyone and and they nodded then I looked to cam he he nodded
Yes of course i will tay I said and he put thre ring on my ring finger and he kissed me.......

A/N: this story might end sort but I am going to be making a series of this book soo stay tune love you loves🤪🥰

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