Chapter three

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*first day of magcon*
Alexis POV:
BUBBAAA WAKE UP matt yelled at me
Ugh but whyyy I said
Remember first day of magcon today he said
Ohhhhh yeah ugh I need to go get ready I said stretching
Ok he said and kissed my forehead
And before you ask me and Matt keep on kissing but we aren't anything and if cam finds out I am literally dead!!
A/N: the picture above is what she is wearing
As I was putting on my tan hat cam came walking in my door with Hayes
Hey are you ready yet cam asked
Yes I am now we can leave I said as I grabbed each of there hands
As we were exiting the elevator all the boys looked towards us and Taylor screamed YASSSSS SHE IS FINALLY DONE
Heyy it takes time to get me looking like this I said while I jumped and wrapped my legs around his torso
Matt's POV:
I was not expecting her to jump on Taylor but now we are walking and she is now in his back and they are laughing so hard I dont know what this feeling is........
Omg I am jealous it just hit me
Taylor POV:
Omg Alexis is really funny she has been laughing cause we are saying that Nash walks weird, cam always has his hair a different style, how I am just straight up funny, how Hayes just is staring out into space, how Matt keeps on glaring at us, and how she has to change into new clothes each time she goes out
Hey I need to look good she said
Heyy you always look cute no matter what I said looking at her
Awww tay she said and kissed my cheek
So is there anything going on with you and Matt cause he keeps on giving him a a death glare I asked
Well yes and no but I can't date him, because cam said I could date anybody else except for Matt he said that he is bad and he breaks everyone's heart she said
Do you want to be in a relationship with him I asked
No, i wanted to then.... she said
What did he do I asked looking at her
Well I saw him kissing this girl in our room the other night right after we had that truth or dare round and they started to take off there cloths then I just left she said looking at Matt as her eyes where getting glossy then she bursted into tears I set her down and everybody looked at her then Matt cane over and pushed me out of the way
Alexis POV:
I couldn't take it anymore then I bursted into tears and all the guys looked at me and ran over but Matt came and pushed Taylor out of the way and started asking all sorts of questions like...
Hey what is wrong, what did he do etc.
Stop Matt!! I screamed and he looked taken back
You guys want to know why I am crying I asked then all nodded
Well I am crying because I MATT I screamed and Matt looks confused
So me and Matt confesses our feeling for each other when we did that seven minutes in heaven and we kissed or you could say made out I said and cam got rly mad expression
Stop cam you were right I said
What do you mean Matt said
I saw you and that other girl I said crying
W-what he said
Yeah and I hate you Matt just-just stay away from me I said and ran and ran
Will go get her said cam and Matt at the same time
Taylor's POV:
No I will I said and ran I couldn't find her until I came across this park
Hey Alexis I said
Ohh tay she said and ran over to me and jumped and wrapped her legs around me and began crying
Ohh it is ok love i said
Alexis POV:
Omg I love when he calls me love it is too cute I thought to myself
Ok you ready to go to magcon darling he asked
Yeah I said and I got down and we just stared into each other's eyes and next thing I knew........
We were kissing then I turned into a make out then my phone started to ring
Shit..... he said
It is just cam I said leaning my head in his chest because I am really short
Convo with cam
C- hey I just punched Matt  where are you and Taylor
A- oh we are at the park and we are just now heading back to the hotel I said while grabbing his hand and we started to walk back
C- ok cool because I told Bart that you guys are not going to be here
A- ok bye love you see you when you get back
C-bye love you
End of convo with cam
*10 minutes later*
Tay? I asked
Yeah he said
Do you want to come in my room I said
Yeah I have nothing better to do he said while I giggled
Your giggle is so cute he said while I was unlocking the door with my key card
As he sat in the bed he patted the spot next to him so I went over and put each leg on each sit of his hips and then I kissed him...............

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