Chapter eleven

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SHAWN!!! I screamed and jumped and wrapped my legs around his torso and he spinner us around then I saw Taylor and he is giving a glare at shawn
I MISS TOU BESTIEEEE I said to shawn
I have miss you too bestfwend he said and hugged me again
Wait did you guys know I asked
Yesss ofc bae Matt said running to me and scooping me up the I saw carter run up to Natalie and scoop her up the cam go scoop up elle then jack I went and scooped up M and Shawn scooped up Isabella and then they ran inside with us in their arms
Heyy put me down baeee i said while laughing
Nope he said and ran around the venue and all the girls were video taping us and they were chanting KISS, KISS and then I looked at Matt and kissed his cheek
That's all you guys are getting I said and ran away to Taylor's booth
Hey Taylor can I talk to you I said to him and he rolled his eyes
Never mind I don't want to talk to a doche I said and walked away to the girls
What was with you talking to Taylor Elle asked
Well wanted to talk then he rolled his eyes so I want revenge now I said
Oohhh let's do it Natalie said
Oh wait Taylor was wearing makeup maybe if we announce that to the crowd they will laugh at him Isabella suggested
YASS gurlll I said and went and hugged her then dragged them to the stage and all the boys looked at us and Taylor had the microphone I went over and took it from him
What the hell alexis he said and got up and stood face to face with him
What are gonna do slap me I said then walked away
So guys i know you guys never see me on stage but me and the hips have a funny announcement I said into the microphone
And it is about Taylor caniff Natalie said
STORYTIME guys I said and sat on Matt's lap
So two days ago Taylor cheated on me with a girl not gonna say her name and all the fans booed at Taylor
And umm he brought her to our hotel room I said chocking on my words and Matt rubbed my back
And we started fighting and some of you guys might not j ow but I am a pretty good fighter I said and flipped my hair and I was about to beat the living shit out of her but Taylor was in front of her and I said that I would beat him if he didn't get out of the way and he didn't believe so best him up I said and started to laughing and the crowd started giggling and Taylor gave me a glare
So guys I need to show you something I said and Isabella gave me a makeup remover and i went o Taylor and grabbed his hand and brought him to the front of the stage and was leaning in and he was to then I put the makeup towel on his face and rubbed off all of the makeup
HE WAS WEARING MAKEUP I screamed and laughed so hard and the guys laughed to and then he grabbed a makeup towel and rubbed it on my face and wiped off all my makeup
Hey look she looks so ugly like usual he said and laughed and none laughed and my eyes started to water and a flash of guilt washed all over his face
I didn't mean i- I cut him off
Oh you said enough I said and the girls slapped him and ran after me and the crowd started chanting
ALEXIS IS SOO PRETTY, ALEXIS IS SOO PRETTY and then I walked out on stage and everyone was chanting except Taylor and I bursted into tears and Matt came up and picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck
You are so beautiful bub he said and I heard the crowd chanting KISS,KISS then everyone got quiet then i looked up and got down and and looked in the crowd their was a soldier and I bursted into tear it was my big brother, Justin and then I ran off stage and hugged him and wrapped my legs around him then cam was there hugging him to
I miss you Justin so fucking much I said got down and everyone started cheering
Go get back to the show cam Justin said
I heard what Taylor said to you he said and I was playing with the hem of my sweater
You are Beautiful and everyone hear agrees he said in the microphone and everyone said " yeah"then I took the microphone
Not Taylor I guess I said and ran out out of the venue and Justin ran after me and I sat on the bench outside the venue
Hey so how long are you here I asked
Just for 20 minutes he said sad
Oh well mom would be so happy to see you I said and looked away
I already saw her and she said she misses you and to come him soon
No I said emotionless
Why he said
Because dad and her did something to me I said as all the guys walked out
What did they do he asked and everyone was listening in
Something i mumbled
WHAT! he yelled
DAD RAPED ME AND SHE WATCHED HIM I screamed and bursted into tears and he looked guilty
Don't any of you tell anyone I said to them
Why cam asked
Because they said if I ever told anyone they would hurt me I said choking on my words and the girls came and hugged me
bye Justin I said and as I was walking I stopped and turned around
Don't you pressure me again or I will hurt you, dint come near me I again I said and walked back with the girls

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