Chapter tweleve

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*Magcon Washington*
Alexis POV:
heyy is said and walked into cam and nashes room where everyone was
Heyy bub Matt said coming picking me up and spin me around
MATT!! put me down I said and he did
Thanks bae I said and walked away and sat down next to Natalie and she was glaring at Taylor
Hey can I talk to you she whispered into my ear and I nodded
Hey what's up I said as we were out of the room
Well I saw Taylor with yet an- I cut her off
Another girl I asked kinda sad
Yeah they um were in the lobby she said kinda sad
Hey I am totally fine I said as my eyes where getting glossy
I know I just feel and because I ruined your relationship she said screaming and everyone came out were surrounding us and Taylor was I think the front
Hey no you didn't ruin my relationship I said and looked at Taylor and he looked down
Then who did she said raising her voice
TAYLOR RUINED IT FUCK I said and everyone looked at Taylor and he was going to speak
No Taylor I o ow your sorry but it is gonna take a lot more just to get me back you hurt me Twice! And both times you cheated I said crying and I turned to Natalie
But I am so thankful that Taylor cheated I said and everyone's mouths dropped open including Taylor's
Because I would've never met my bestfriend I said and looked at elle and pulled her to me
You know elle dated Matt I said and pointed to Matt
And she felt so bad but I am so thankful that Matt dated her because I would've never found my other bestfriend I said and I grabbed all the girls and hugged them all
I fucking love my friend group I yelled and everyone yelled
Hey!! Taylor screamed
What the fuck do you want now I said
Well since you don't love me anymore prove it he said
Well I like someone else here I said and looked at elle and she nodded so I went to Matt and kissed him and ofc he kissed back
Me and Matt are dating Taylor I said and Elle and true girls laughed
oh... he said
Taylor I was just kidding I dint like Matt and he laughed and I chuckled
Taylor for fucks sake I love you but you apparently don't so come to me when you decide you don't want to cheat I said and went to my room
*two days later*
Alexis POV:
*knock knock*
Can you get it I mumbled because I was still sleeping and it was the guys and I opened my eyes a little so that I could she what's going and Matt had shaving cream on his hand also Taylor and they were coming toward me and grabbed there arms
You better think what you are going to do I said and then they put there hands down then I took the shaving cream out of there hands and then smacked it on Taylor's face as I stood up
You should've done that he said as I hopped off the bed and he was walking toward me and everyone stopped and looked at us then I ran out of the room and he was running after me and everyone was laughing and running behind him then since I am so small and he is MUCH taller than me he grabbed my waist and put me over his shoulders
Hey put me down I said punching his back and kicking his back
Fine he said in the lobby and then we stared into eachother eyes then he started to lean in
Oh good I said and walked away and then the girls came up to me
What was that Isabella said squealing
Wow my ears, and nothing just old pals being funny
He like you elle said
I agree M, Isabella, and Natalie said
Ok whatever I said and sat down then Taylor day next me then Matt sat on the other side of me
Hey bub Matt said
Hey bae I said and kissed his cheek
THAT SLUT IS MY BESTFRIEND SO SHUT UP he screamed back and I hugged Matt
Thanks Matt I said and hugged him
Your welcome bestfwend he aid and I chuckled and Taylor was giving Matt a glare then I looked at Taylor and shook my head and grabbed his hand and got up and we left the breakfast room
What the hell was that I asked
Sorry I am just jealous he said looking down
Oh well tay look at me I said
Your back to calling me tay he asked
Yes because you are my bestfriend I said and kissed his cheek
Ok well I am going to be your boyfriend again he said
Maybe I said and dragged him back to where the guys were
Are you guys good cam asked
Yeah we are BESTFREINDS i said and kissed his cheek
HAYES I screamed and he looked at me
What princess he said
I MISS YOU i said
MISS YOU TOO he said and everyone laughed
*later that night*
Alexis POV:
Magcon was really fun today but I have to change into some comfy clothes to go over to the boys room right now all the girls are at the boys room but I took a nap but I have to change into comfy clothes to go over there

Alexis outfit ^*As I walked all the guys were talking YOU CHANGED AGAIN BITCHHH tay said YOU WANT TO CALL ME A BITCH YOU WHORE I said chuckling Yeah he said walking closer to me ok then I said and lean in his ear Try harder to get me I said and bi...

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Alexis outfit ^*
As I walked all the guys were talking
Yeah he said walking closer to me ok then I said and lean in his ear
Try harder to get me I said and bit his ear and winked at him
Oohhh Isabella said I flipped her off
Ok so I need your advice Natalie said
Ok shoot I said
So what would you do if carter asked to take you out on a  date and you said yes
OMG YOU DIDNT I said and all the boy looked at me
YES ID DID BITCH she said and everyone laughed
CARTER YOG ASKED MY BABY ONA DATEEEEE yelled and tay covered my mouth
Not so late Alexis he said while chuckling and everyone looked at us and I leaned in to Taylor and bit his ear
I KNOW I AM A BITCH TAY I said and kissed his nose
You got some lip stick on your nose I said and he wiped on my face
Hey I did my make up I whined
You dont need makeup he said
That's not what toy aid I mumbled and he lifted my chin and pulled me out of the room and everyone followed I stopped
Guys stay here we dont need you in our damn business all the time
Well your my little sis and I am just looking out for you cam said but sat down and I walked out
What I said
You are not ugly he said
Well that isn't what you said I said
I was just mad that you would do that to my fans and I was mad he said
Well you know I thought you loved me then I said and started crying
I do love you Alexis he said
Well it sure doesn't seem like it I said and walked back into to the roo pissed and cam went to speak but stopped him
Don't I am not in the ducking mood for your shit now I said and sat down next shawn and I put my head in his shoulder
Hey are you on he asked
I'm fine tay is mad that I confronted him about him calling me ugly I said and saw tay looking at me shawn out of the corner of my eye
You know what guys I am sick of this bullshit I am going somewhere else that isn't hear I said
What do you mean cam said
I mean I leaving magcon I can't deal with this shit anymore I said
No you can't leave Matt said
Yes I cc'd am and I am booking my flight to somewhere that isn't here and I will see where life takes me I said
Then we are coming with you elle, M, Isabella, and Natalie said
Carter I can't go on the date with you I am leaving with Alexis she said
No you guys stay here enjoy your life while I go live mine I said
No we are coming if you like or not they said
Ok Ok we leave tomorrow at 5:00am
No I love you so much Alexis Taylor said
Well I can and STOP SAYING YOU LOVE ME I said and walked out of the room
*6:00 am next day*
Flight 306 to California boarding now
I said bye to all the guys
Bye cam I will miss you I said
Ok I will too he said kissing my head
I will call you or text you to check in with you I said
Ok bye
Then I saw Taylor and glanced at him then left with the girls
Ok girls this where our new life begins I said as we were going up into the air

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