Chapter twenty one

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*one week later*
Alexis POV:
Heyy bestfwend I said jumping on tay in the gaming room in the big bean bag chair
Hey he said and put down the controller so the other guys could play
What's up I said getting up and grabbing his hand to drag him out of the room to the living room and on the the big long couch
Nothing I just missed my best friend he said aww I forgot how tay made me feel
Aww I missed you too I said and pinched his cheeks and kissed both of his cheeks then Hayes and M and the boys just so happened to walk in on our cute moment then tay groaned and layed his head in my lap and stretched his feet out so they were on hayes
Awww you guys are so cute elle said while i played with his hair and took of his bandanna and retied it for him
Thanks I said and everyone started asking questions
QUEIT!! Tay screamed
No we are not dating I just got out of a relationship remember I did and Hayes smiled at me
Hayes quit smiling you jerk Isabella said and his smile turned into a frown
That what you get Matt said and I chuckled
Soo what are we going to do I said
Well I got us all reservations to this very fancy restaurant and I mean fancy Nash said
YAY!! I said and started jumping everywhere and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me
Um stop it M said
Shut up slut I said as she got up in my face
I don't feel like fighting you right now so get out of my fucking face I said and stomped in her foot
THATS MY GIRL tay yelled and jumped up and picked me up so that my legs were wrapped around him then we looked into eachothers eyes and then cam coughed really loud
Oh sorry I said and got down and ran to my room
Wait Alexis tay said and ran after me
Taylor's POV: ( oh didn't know it did that)
Guys look what you did you made her run I said
Well she doesn't like you remember she had sex with me and not you hayes said
Shut the hell up Matt and cater did at the same time
And I laughed then Aran after Alexis
Alexis POV:
Hey I am sorry I just picked you up tay said
It is fine i was kinda used to it tho I said  and he laughed
Ok so now that we are good what are you gonna wear  tay asked
Omg I don't know go get the girls
Soon the girls came and we picked out our dresses and got changed

*one week later*Alexis POV:Heyy bestfwend I said jumping on tay in the gaming room in the big bean bag chair Hey he said and put down the controller so the other guys could play What's up I said getting up and grabbing his hand to drag him out of ...

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*elles outfit*^

*natalies outfit *^

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*natalies outfit *^

*isabellas outfit *^

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*isabellas outfit *^

*alexis outfit *^As we all got down stairs Matt went up to isabella, carter went up to Natalie, cam went up to elle , and tay came up to me and Hayes ofc has M Hey you look beautiful tay saidAww thanks tay I said and kissed his cheek and Hayes was...

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*alexis outfit *^
As we all got down stairs Matt went up to isabella, carter went up to Natalie, cam went up to elle , and tay came up to me and Hayes ofc has M
Hey you look beautiful tay said
Aww thanks tay I said and kissed his cheek and Hayes was glaring at tay
Stop glaring at tay hayes I said while rolling my eye

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