Chapter two

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Night time
Alexis POV:
As I was on my phone scrolling through Twitter Hayes came running into my and Matt's room
And no me and Matt aren't dating we are only best friends
BESTIE he said
Yes my maid I said while laughing
Umm the fuck not he said
Ugh what do you want though for real hass I said
Well everyone is over in cam and nashes took so come on he said
Ok ok let me change I said while getting up

Night timeAlexis POV: As I was on my phone scrolling through Twitter Hayes came running into my and Matt's roomAnd no me and Matt aren't dating we are only best friends BESTIE he said Yes my maid I said while laughing Umm the fuck not he said Ugh ...

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*Outfit above so what she is wearing*
Hayes POV:
wow.... I said
Oh thanks bestie she came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek

Alexis POV:
As I was walking in my brother room I got comments like ooh, hot, and wow etc.
why thanks boys I said while winking then I ran over to Matt and jumped on his lap
Hey baeee i said
Hey bub he said kissing my cheek
Matt's POV:
Ok ok I have to admit I have had a huge crush on Alexis since she was 14 but I can't have her because she is way to good for me
As she walked in with Hayes all I said was wow... along with the other guys not including cam bc he is her brother and that would be weird
Then she saw me and jumped on my lap
Hey baeee she said
Hey bub I said while kissing her cheek
I have to admit I at least kiss her cheek once a day
Soo what are we doing I said looking around at the boys they all looked at each other then nodded
What do they have planned now I thought to myself
Alexis POV:
TRUTH OR DAREEEEE screamed Taylor I started laughing so hard with all the other guys
So last time we played truth or dare with the guys I had to kiss Hayes on the lips and that was the last time I ever kissed someone but I have to say he isn't a bad kisser
Ok Matthew truth or dare asked Nash
Ok dare he said
I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with.....
He looked at me then to mahogany
Alexis!!! He said
Me and Matt looked at each other then shrugged
Ok Matt what do we do I asked
Well we are supposed to do anything for 7 minutes he said
Ok.... I said while standing up
Ok look here's the thing Alexis he said
Ok go on I said
I have liked you since you were 14 and I was 15 you are so caring, pretty, talkative, hot he said while I chuckled well all I want to say is that I have very strong feelings for you and I hope you feel the same way I do he said
Well Matt here's the thing I said
I like you too!! I said
And just like that we started kissing ON THE LIPS!!!
And then it started to get heated.....
Jump he said
I jumped then I was leaning against the wall as we were having a full on make out session
matt... I said while pulling away
What he said confused
Well see here the thing i said
Cam doesn't want us to date I said
His face full on dropped
Then someone yelled SEVEN MINUTES IS UP
Then I just left and winked at him and he chuckled

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