Chapter fourteen

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*next day*
Alexis POV:
WAKE UP BITCHHHH tay screamed when he came in my room
Noooo I said whining then he rolled his eyes
Yesss he said and jumped on me
Get me clothes I said sitting up
Ok he said and walked into my walk in closet then he threw clothes at me
Wow now there gonna be wrinkled ass hat I said and he laughed
Now get out so I can change I said and pushed him out of my room

*Alexis outfit*^As I was looking in my body mirror cam walked inHey little sis he said Hey bro I said and hugged him What are you doing today he said I don't know maybe go grocery shopping because I have boys in the house now and you guys eat ever...

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*Alexis outfit*^
As I was looking in my body mirror cam walked in
Hey little sis he said
Hey bro I said and hugged him
What are you doing today he said
I don't know maybe go grocery shopping because I have boys in the house now and you guys eat everything I said as he laughed
Well I am sorry we are fat asses he said laughing as I did too
Ok let's go downstairs I am starving I said but before I could leave cam stopped me
Hey what going on with you and Taylor
Nothing cam he is my best friend nothing more until I get my shit figured out I said as he nodded and walked out
I sighed as I flipped on my bed
Heyy elle said
Hey bestfwend I said and hugged her
What's up she said
Nothing but do you want to go to the grocery store and get some time alone just the two of us I asked
Oh yess she said but she cut me off
What up with you and Taylor she said wiggling her eyebrows
Nothing until I get my shit figured out I said and walked away with her sitting on her bed but I took a little detour to hayes room
Heyy princess he said as I walked in his room
Hey my knight and shining armor I said
Aww am I that special he said as I was changing my position until I was straddling him
Yup I said then we stared into eachothers eues then we started kissing then I wrapped my fingers in his hair and then he layed down then I started to kiss his neck then he moaned really quiet
Stop teasing he said and flipped us and I laughed and then we started to make out again until.....
ALEXIS HAYES BREAKFAST NOWWW Nash yelled up the stairs then Hayes got up with me still straddling him in the front
OK WE ARE HAVING A BERY IMPORTANT CONVERSATION BE DOWN IN 10 MINUTES i yelled then Hayes closed the door and locked it and we started kissing again and he layed me down and took off my shirt as I took off his then one thing led to another until we had sex
10 minutes later
Hey guys I said while going to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice and gave some to me and Hayes and he winked when nobody was looking
Hey they all said
So what were you talking about Cam asked
U-uh i said nervous
The usual Hayes said and laughed and Taylor looked suspicious
The usual? Taylor asked
Taylor we aren't together anymore get off my ass we are never going to get back together if you don't trust me with a guys you idiot
Shut the hell up Alexis you bitch Taylor said
You know what Taylor and I looked at Hayes and he nodded
Me and Hayes just had sex you idiot I said and all the guys busted out laughing and Taylor looked at Hayes
Is that true Taylor asked Hayes
Yeah he said
So you would have sex with your bestfriend instead of me he asked offended
Ok guys let's go cam said
Yeah except Hayes and Taylor I said
Yes Taylor I love Hayes I said and I looked at Hayes and he was blushing
You once said that to me Taylor said
Well Taylor you broke me you idiot I haha was you chances on chances and you blew it so get out of ass
GUYS NOW AND THE GIRLS I yelled and they all ran in the kitchen
All of you except Hayes are going grocery shopping because me and Hayes need to talk i said
Or are you going to have sex again cam said and I slapped him in his arm
Ow what was that for he said and I just shrugged
*when everyone was at the store*
Alexis POV still
As me and Hayes were on the couch in the theater room Hayes spoke up
Earlier.... Hayes said
Yeah what about it I said
You said you loved me he said while I blushed
Yeah I really do Hayes I love you I said and kissed his cheek
I do too, infact I have had a crush on you for the longest time he said while blushing
Aww hass has a crush I sang
Yeah... he said and looking down as I cupped his cheeks and pecked his lips
I have a crush on you too I love you hayes and I always have I said and put each led in either aside of his hips
So... will you be my girlfriend Hayes asked
Of course I will I said and we started to kiss until someone coughed and made us stop kissing
What are you guys doing Taylor asked with  all the boys with him
Nothing kissing my BOYFRIEND I said and Taylor ran out of the room and all the boys go excited and ran out of the room
I should go and talk to Taylor I said and kissed Hayes lips one more time
Ok I will miss you he said
Bye baby I said
Ok bye babygirl he said and I laughed as I walked out of the room

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