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Everything felt sore.

A splitting headache greeted you when your thoughts returned.

The floor you were laying on was cold and felt like stone. Definitely not the soft carpet you were used too.

But if it wasn't your room...

Where am I..?

Slowly risking a glance, you peaked your eyes open.

A grey room met your sight. It was empty and small, like a prison cell.

You pushed your sore body up and fully opened your eyes to take in the sight. A giant screen lit up.


YES          NO

"A.. Game screen?" You mumbled and stood up to stare at it.

"Well, What have we got here?" A voice spoke from behind.

Turning quickly, you were greeted by a short skeleton in a blue jacket, grinning as if he heard a funny joke.

"You look like you'd seen a skeleton" he chuckled.

"No.. No I'm dreaming.. You're a game Character. You can't be real!"

You recall seeing this character a few times when talking to your friends.

They had called him Sans or something..

Sans eyed you up and down before shrugging a bit, "Believe what ya want I guess, but that won't change anything "

What is this guy talking about?

The white lights in his eye sockets moved toward the screen,"Well Player? Do you want to continue?"

Player..? What will happen if I do continue?
"Where am I and what will happen if I do?" 

Sans paused, his grin still frozen on his face,"Where do you think you are?"

You paused.

"A game...?"

"Then that's where you are. As for what will happen-"

He shrugged again," Your choice"

You turned your eyes back to the screen. Two buttons before you.

Walking forward cautiously, you pressed the button labeled ●YES.

Sans nodded at the screen flickered to show a loading bar.

"Well then, I guess I have to explain don't I? Names Sans. Sans the Skeleton" he winked somehow and looked toward the screen,"Ya know, you were one of the quiet ones in here.  Not many make a decision that fast"

Nervous prickling began to rise in your chest,"Is that bad..?"

"Nah. Just different, anyway, what's your name Player?"


"Hmmm Y/n huh? Neat. "

The screen light faded and returned, showing a map.

"Well Y/n, Welcome to the Loading Dock. "

The Loading Dock..? What was that? Questions bubbled like the nerves in your chest as the skeleton put his hands in his pockets,"It's where nosy Players like yourself end up after experiencing a malfunction, or 'glitch' as some of them call it."

That doesn't explain anything! You couldn't help, but think angrily. The headache making it harder to take everything in.

"Think of it this way,"  he continued after seeing the frustration you felt,"Ever wonder what your favorite characters and ocs do when you aren't using them?"

You fell silent, having thought this a few times in your life, "I have.."

He nodded,"Well then, Welcome to our paradise. "

As if on command a doorway appeared on the grey wall behind you, sunlight flooding in as it opened.

You had to shield your eyes a bit as Sans walked past you,"Y/n, Welcome to Playandia"

A Glitch In The SystemWhere stories live. Discover now