Part 4

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CHAPTER 4 - The Team

By the time the light cleared, each one had something different about them, it's kind of hard to put it into words, so what better way to explain it than a character sheet.. so lets do that:

Mitch Stevens

AGE: 26

Description: A big bulky man with a not so big bulky brain, mainly because of the fact that he's a dropout and he's thrown his life away due to gambling.. that's how he winded up working as a bouncer here

Power: His power is similar to a rhino, basically, a purple blade comes out of the top of his head like a cats claws and he can use it to impale his enemies

Drawback: The weapon sucks power from his head, so it makes him thick as pig shit

Ray Roberts

AGE: 20

Description: An intelligent boy who knows what he talks about and managed to get a job at the casino, because he knew the best alcohol to serve to make the people drunker than they already were

Power: His power is similar to a hedgehog, basically, purple spikes emerge from his back and he can use them to pierce his enemies

Drawback: The power sucks energy from his back so he does get moderate back pains

Christine Woods

AGE: 19

Description: A girl with a short temper who can't control her mouth but manages to keep a level head at the craps table of the casino, so that's why she's a dealer in the casino

Power: Blades come out of her forearms so she can stab her enemies.. there isn't really any animal that can do that, so I can't make a comparison

Drawback: her arms don't work that well

Shane Nohidmi

AGE: 22

Description: A sarcastic witty male with a formal dress sense and a slight pinch of insanity, he landed himself as the boss of the casino after inheriting it after he killed his family.

Power: Claws extend from his hands which he can use to murder his enemies

Drawback: he can't use his hands perfectly

Each one was standing there with their powers fully loaded looking like they're about to kill Connor, but alas, Shane speaks up, then Mitch, then Christine, then Ray.

"Shane Nohidimi, at your service." Shane speaks with a posh tone and bows to Connor.

"Mitch Stevens, nice to meet you!" he was speaking in a relatively dull and stupid tone whilst waving a giant hand at Connor.

"Christine.." she seemed a little stroppy but then spoke up a little ".. but you can call me Chris" she folded her arms and huffed.. odd.

"Ray Richards, pleasure" he had a quiet and slow voice, one that when you hear makes it easy to go to sleep.. a smooth, deep, sexy voice.

Connor was overwhelmed with all of the greetings he had just received and was flustered by all the attention, so he bowed awkwardly and stated his name, which you should all know by know, but I'll say it just to refresh your memory. Connor Brown, there, happy?

CHAPTER 5 - The Job

Now then, there's not really much left to do around, the casino is dry as a camels fanny and now Connor has to clean up the mess, yes, he got the job of janitor.. just, a really short chapter about Connor sweeping the floors, all the action for this part happened in the previous chapter.. well.. 

The doors explode open and a group of thugs wearing all white walk in and begin to make themselves at home

"Right then, where's the boss of this squadron?" called out a thug of the 'all whites' and then they pointed to Connor and asked "where's your boss?"

Connor replied "who's asking?" he had the idea that acting like a typical teenager would drive them off, but they answered.

"Luke Light!" called out another thug as they made their way to the boss' room and Connor shouted back at them

"Who the fucks that?" Connor called out to them, he was planning on stopping them when Ray stepped in

"Connor, stay away from them, they're working with our enemy, they aren't welcome here!" shouted Ray, his powers activated and he stood in front of the boss' office.

Connor was confused so he questioned Ray. "Who are they?"

Ray responded

"The light ones."

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