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Ashlyn Pov

"Hey can we talk?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I sit up from my bed as Alex sits in front of me. Our friendship has been a little bit wonky since she didnt seem so serious about Holland's newly addiction.

"I do care about Holland, I'm just taking it easy on her the best way. In fact, I talked to her about it after the Chile game."

"You did?"

"Yeah we got into.. well an argument but we came down to a solution. I told her I'd walk out of her life.. if she didn't seek help and get sober"

"And you think that's going to actually help?"

"If it were Ali and you?" She tells me. Shit she got me there.

Holland POV

"Hey.. uh it's been a few days. Here." Carli hands me a pill, this time I push her hand away. I know she doesn't want to give it to me, and if I want people that I care about to stay in my life.. I gotta try.

"You sure?" She asks me unsure, and I nod. She puts it back into the pill bottle. I turn to myside of my bed. It's the night before we play Sweden, before I play. She turns the light off, and I curl up in a ball because I'm starting to get cold sweats. I push the bed sheets onto the floor, and I tighten my hold on my pillow as my body starts to shake. I close my eyes, and I can feel my bed sheet start to get a little wet. Luckily the hotel changes the sheets every morning. I turn my body face up, and I open my eyes staring into the dark room. Like every night, not being able to sleep enough. I start to fall asleep.

Carli's PoV

I'm awaken but a muffled voice, and I turn over to the direction of Holland's bed. It's been like this every night with her. I get up and turn the light on, I walk over to Holland's bed.

"Hey it's okay, Holly you're okay" I put my hand on her shoulder her body shaking and sweaty. I can't watch this anymore, but what the fuck is Dawn going to do? She can't do anything for this. I'm get her anyway.

"I'll be right back Holland, hang on okay?" I tell her and she shakes. I grab my keycard and quickly walk out the room. When I get to Dawn's room, I knock on it roughly. A minute later, someone swings the door open.

"What are you doing? It's 2 AM" she tells me sternly.

"Holland's shaking, and she's having cold sweats. Like seriously she's sweating into the sheets. Isn't there something you can do?"

"What's going on?" Jill says barely stepping outside her hotel room.

"Holland's having withdrawl symptoms" Dawn tells her before she goes back into her room to get something.

"Alright I have to go to the pharmacy. I'm going to prescribe Methadone, just go back to her. I'll figure it out in the morning. Their closed right now" she tells me, and I nod. She closes the door, and I look at Jill.

"I need Caps meeting at 7:30" she instructs me, and I take myself back to my room.

Holland's pov.

I hear the hotel room open, and I move my body to sit up. I've been awake for almost 3 mins now, considering Carli has shaken me a little. I feel my bed dip on the side, a hand lands on my shoulder.

"It's going to be okay Holly" she whispers "scoot over" she tells me, surprising me since I'm clearly wet and she's seems like a very anti germ person. I move over, and she moves herself closer.

"I'm going to be here all morning, so get use to this" she whispers, and I nod. She wraps her arm around me, and I adjust my head down on her bicep. I curl up a little still feeling cold.

"I'm sorry" I tell her in a shaky voice. "The way I lashed out on you the other day, when you were just trying to tell me how much you guys care. It hasn't been easy, and I shouldn't have treated you guys the way I did"

"It's okay, you were going through a lot. We aren't going anywhere, we're a team. I appreciate you apologizing to me, but I think you also need to apologize to the team and I'm sure they also owe you one too."

No works were shared after that. While my muscle aches, and it's hard for me to sleep. I find it anyway.


"This morning Carli informed Dawn and I, that Holland is going through withdrawl symptoms since she stopped taking the medicine. Holland is going to be taking Methadone, hopefully it'll help ease her at night. With that, do you think she should play in today's game against Sweden?"

All Captains look at each other, and decide who should goalkeep at the today's special game.

Holland's POV

"Holland Reed battling addiction at the World Cup"

"Once again.. Was I wrong? Holland is not mentally ready for this high stage of soccer."

The media got ahold of the situation somehow, and now the whole world knows I'm fighting addiction at the World Cup. People don't want me to play, but at the end of the day.. it's not my decision or theirs.

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