Part 12

689 11 2

2 months

that's how long its been since ive seen Yoongi, or any of the boys. we text when we can, but im busy working, and he's busy preforming and enjoying life.

but it's also been 2 months since i started producing my music, since Lia started her training, my cousin became the CEO, and 2 months since I've seen my parents. they both decided to take a cruise and were on their way home.

~2 months ago~

"and we are finally back."

Lia closed our apartment door and flopped on the couch. it took us 2 hours to unpack all of our clothes and i opened the packages of food we had shipped to us, this time i made sure i hid some.

"Y/N, I've been thinking...." i looked up from my spot in the kitchen, i was making dinner, korean noodles with beef. "scandalous, do tell more." she huffed and what she said next made me freeze on the spot.

"i want to be a Kpop idol."

"what." i stared at her, i wasn't shocked. i knew she missed it. i could still remember her fluid dances, her smooth vocals.

"...i would like to be at BigHit."

"Lia you know me. i can't."

she looked at me sadly and nodded. "i know, thats why i'm not asking you." she paused and pulled me to the couch.

"Y/N, we have been through so much together and you are my best friend. i know that you have your skeletons, but i want to preform. I've decided to move on with my career, i'm proud of you for getting back into music. but this is where we split for a bit."

i had tears in my eyes, i had always felt like i was holding her back and i hated myself for it. "well, finally." her eyes widened as i scoffed at her. "i was wondering when you were finally gonna let go and do what you want. i have been holding you back since the day we met. you quit what you loved so i wouldn't be alone. hell, i almost signed you back up the next day, if only my father had kept the trainees."

we laughed and talked some more. we were finally collecting ourselves, and our conversation made me realize something else needed closing.

i needed to talk to Yoongi.


i'm now sitting in my studio listening to the beats i've set up. i was working on a project for a friend of mine in the states, he needed help starting his music career and i wanted to help him out.

"one last thing...done." i sent the half finished song to him and knew he was going to make something amazing with it. i climbed out of my swivel chair and threw myself on my leather couch. i had holed myself in my studio 2 days ago and i wondered if anyone was going to say something. Wonho knew i was busy working and Lia had her own problems. it felt nice, the calm, emptiness of the dark room. the quietness and undisturbed-

knock knock

i laughed at the small sound, i walked to the door and answered it. "well took you long enough Wonho, last time i only lasted 3 hours, oh."

"how long have you been in here?" standing in front of me was Min Yoongi, with the most gorgeous blue hair. he wore ripped pants and a sweatshirt and had raised his eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer. "we need to talk." that's not an answer. i stepped aside so he could come in, he hesitated, then proceed to walk and sit on my swivel chair. i closed the door and turned around.

"um.. so yeah we need to talk about us.."

"us?" i sat down and looked at my hands. maybe there wasn't even an "us" to talk about.

"yeah, us, like are we dating or not? do i like you or.....not?"

i looked up at him, but he said nothing. "if there even is an us or....not." my voice had gotten so quiet that i was almost sure he hadn't heard it.

we sat in silence for a while, i was hoping he would at least say, "oh your crazy i don't like you." but he stayed quiet. i guess that was my answer. i sighed and stood, mumbling a whatever and walked to the door.

"i know why you became a producer, other than the fact you like music. you gave up your family's business, on the whim that i liked you. you waited 2 months for me, biased on a guess, to see if i liked you. i know that you worried about your brother pummeling me if i got too close to you. i also know you worried about me losing my job over two simple dates. i know that I've liked you for years. that my brother was going to cheat on you, but decided to let it go because it was your life, and i knew that on the off chance it destroyed you, i would be there to help you. "

Yoongi held my arm in his hand and when i turned around he held my hand. "i also know that you were bullied and harassed as a trainee. that you ran away so your father's company wouldn't be ruined, and that at the end of the day, you would do anything for the people that you love."

tears began to stream down my face and he wiped them away. "how about we go on a real date. me, you and the world." i nodded and he pulled me into him, holding me as i broke down. "tomorrow."


"Yoongi, i dont think this is a good idea."

"its an amazing idea."

ever since our first real date he's been trying to get me to dance for him. i refuse, only because i don't feel like it. "come on, your all bark no bite. show me what you've got." i shake my head and walk into the practice room. inside the other band members are sitting there, along with Lia and Wonho. i laugh, "what is this?"

"we wanna see you dance." i turn around to see Hongjoong standing in the door way. i rush to hug him and slap his arm. "so you won't go out for a lovely dinner with me, but you'll come and watch me dance? what if i decided not to? you need to get your priorities straight." he laughed and ruffled my hair. "of course i came to see you dance. i also came to beat Yoongi's ass."


"kidding. now go dance."

i shook my head and choose Reggaeton Lento (Bailemos) by CNCO(omg such a good song btw)

my body moved to the beats and soon i was lost in the music as it spread throughout my soul. i could feel the smile on my face as i let my self get lost into the moment, forgetting about the eyes watching me and only focusing on me and the music as i moved to the sounds. at the end i've forgotten where i am and brought back to reality as Lia shouts and jumps from her spot to wrap me up in her arms. "omg omg i forgot how much i enjoy watching you dance." i laugh and pull my self off the floor.

yoongi wraps his arms around my waist from behind and lays his head on my shoulder, earning deadly glares from Hongjoong, "your amazing darling. truly amazing."

i smile and enjoy the moment.

later that night i stand outside his dorm rooms. "Y/N, you'll stay with me forever right?"

i remember how much my life has changed ever since he came into it. he brought so much meaning into the little things, i didn't want it to end.

i pull him close and snuggle closer. "always yoongi, always."

and just like that i realize that the unknown is so close, but with Yoongi, it becomes so much more bearable.


ok so thats the end. im really proud of this chapter but i dont know i feel about the story as a whole. (ugh)

still, I hope you enjoyed that as much as i did. i see some mistakes in my writing and im going to use that as a way to improve!

my next ff is in the works and i already know its going to be a Hobi ff so i hope you look for that one soon!

also if you haven't listened to CNCO i suggest you do, they are amazing. stay healthy and inside bye~~~

(also had anyone learned the shoulder move in WANNABE by ITZY bc thats rlly hard and im struggling big time.)

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