Part 8

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"did you hear, Y/N is Bang PD's daughter."

"i bet she didn't even audition."

"such a daddy's girl."


"Y/N, Lia, Nayeon, and Nika its your turn."

we all got up on the stage and went in our spots. when the music played we sang and danced just like in practice. except judges were watching us. i was in the front and did my side step without looking at the ground and tripped over Nika's extended foot. the song ended and i tried to play it off like it didn't happen.

i could hear our manage sigh. i saw the judges frown and knew they were writing about it. the other trainee's were laughing and whispering.

"she's so useless."

"can't believe they let her in."

"her father definitely pulled strings, have you heard her rap, trash."

the manager pulled me aside after our test.

"if you don't start stepping up your not gonna make it, i don't care if your the CEO's daughter. it takes talent to be an idol. not money."

i didn't defend myself. what was the point. it would happen again,and again. they wouldn't dare kick me out, just spread rumors until my father forced me to leave. 

"i don't care anymore. i'm quiting Lia."

"but Y/N, if you quit then they win."

"So! i don't care anymore! i just want to leave!"

she didn't fight me when i told our manager that i quit, and i didn't fight her when she said the same thing.

i didn't even tell my father. he already knew. he terminated the trainees contracts and let go of the girl group idea. 

i begged him not to. but what did it matter? i was always going to be a bratty daddy's girl.


i woke up and brushed the tears that fell down my face. i had wanted so badly to be an idol. i had trained since i was five years old. and just like that, i had let it go. i hated those girls, but i still let them control my dreams.

i sighed and went to take a shower. it didn't matter anymore, i was becoming the CEO of the biggest entertainment company. 

after my shower Lia was up and looked at me.

"Y/n im sorry i-"

"its fine Lia. i dont wanna talk about it."

"but i-"

"just drop it Lia."

she rolled her eyes and answered the knocking at the door. she said something then walked back in with a container of blueberry muffins.

"fine. i'll just eat these apology muffins by myself."

"nope. i accept your apology. you have been excused."

"hmp. thats what i thought."


today was the first Concert and we had been at the stadium since 12 pm.

it was now 6:30 and it was about to start. Lia and I stayed out of the way as workers triple checked everything. at 6:50 the boys were standing on the platform and at 7pm on the dot they rose up to the stage and preformed.

the concert ended at 10 and the boys were sweaty and in tears. they changed and got in the car. Lia and i again followed but stayed out of the way.


the next day they had an interview with Jimmy Fallon.

"omg Y/N i love Jimmy Fallon, can we go with them."

i agreed, i enjoy his shows too and couldn't wait to see it. we dressed casually and stayed with the managers. before the show started Jimmy Fallon walked into the room.

"hey, im just making sure everything's going alright. i would hate for you guys to be uncomfortable."

the managers checked and told him that everything was fine.

"he walked up to me and Lia.

"Hey im Jimmy Fallon, i try to meet all of the employees and i don't think we've meet before.

"oh no we're new, im Kim Lia and this is Bang Y/N."

we shook hands. "i heard about you Bang Y/N, how does it feel to be the CEO of such an amazing company? im truly a fan of your artists."

"oh thank you. im a fan of your show and its nice to meet you too. honestly this whole CEO thing is overwhelming but im getting used to it."

"Ten minutes till air! Jimmy get in place."

he waved and went to prepare.

the show was amazing as always. Jimmy and Jimin had their bro moment and they all had an amazing time.

afterwards,even though it was really late,  the boys and Jimmy were going out to eat.

"Hey Lia, Y/N, do you wanna join us?"

i looked at Lia who had started to feel sick. she shook her head and i decided to stay with her.

"thanks for the offer Tae, but im gonna stay with Lia. have fun."

they went off and when we got to the hotel Lia began throwing up. i held her hair back and rubbed her back. when she was done i called for the doctor that travels with us and he said she probably had a stomach bug. 

the next day we were both throwing up so we decided to stay in our rooms until we had to leave, which wasn't long.

"Y/N, i dont think i can handle being on a plane."

"neither can i, lets stay for a few more days and then meet the boys where they are. we don't want them to get sick and puking on a plane is no fun."

she agreed and thats what we did for the next 3 days.


 this was just a filler tbh


dont bully ppl bc of their parents

actually dont bully ppl periodT.


CEO's Daughter {yoongixreader}✔Where stories live. Discover now