Chapter 6

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I try to open my eyes, but it's too bright. I can't remember where I am or what the hell happened last night. I turn my head away from the window and the pillow smells like exhaust, dirt, and a masculine cologne all mixed together. It smells amazing. Oh god, I didn't realize how bad my head was throbbing. I try to open my eyes again and blink a few times to make sure I'm awake. I look down and I'm wearing a black shirt with the number 14 on it and I'm just in my underwear.

Holy shit, What the fuck happened? Kyler's number is 14. There's no freaking way I slept with him last night.

I jump out of bed too fast and see myself in the mirror that's hanging in front of the bed. My makeup is smeared everywhere, but my hair still looks somewhat okay. I can now tell that I'm in a trailer. I'm afraid to open the door from this room to see if it is in fact Kyler waiting for me on the other side.

All of a sudden there's a knock at the door and a manly voice asks, "Are you awake?"

Before I have a chance to respond the door opens and Kyler is standing there with a Gatorade and some pills.

"Here this will help with how much you drank last night." He hands me the drink and I take the pills. I am so shocked at what's happening right now that I forget that I'm standing there with just a shirt and a thong on, So I quickly jump back into the bed and throw the covers over me to hide. Kyler laughs.

"Um, what the fuck happened last night?" I ask.

He sits down on the bed next to me and asks, "What do you think happened last night?" in a tone that I think is insinuating we had sex, but I'm not so sure.

"uhh.....did....did we have sex? I mean makeout....or you know do anything because I'm sorry if we did because I can't remember a thing. So I don't know if I liked it or whatnot...." I ramble so fast causing him to laugh harder.

"No, sorry to crush your dreams, but we didn't have sex," he says while looking into my eyes.

"Um okay. Well, then what did we do. Did we sleep together? Did we kiss? I'm confused. The last thing I remember is staring at the stars by the fire."

Kyler moves closer to me and puts his face a few inches from mine. I can smell the mint on his breath. He looks down at my lips and I think I'm about to have a heart attack or pass out from him being so close. I can't help but look at his lips. He must notice because the corners of his mouth turn to a smile and he licks his bottom lip. Oh, what I wouldn't give to just grab his face and force my lips on his.

"No we didn't kiss," he says while looking at my lips. He then looks up into my eyes "and I slept on the pull-out bed out there and I let you sleep in my bed. You're wearing my shirt because you threw up on your dress last night." I look down at his shirt horrified that he was with me while I was puking and mortified that he undressed me.

"Olivia couldn't find you last after you were hanging out by the beer pong she asked if I could help find you. We eventually found you by the bonfire, sitting by yourself just chugging the vodka bottle. When you went to get up, you said you were going to be sick and started throwing up."

I'm so embarrassed. Like I just want to melt into this bed and cover the blankets over my face and never come out kind of embarrassed.

"Olivia went to get you water, so I sat with you while you were sick, and then you sort of fell asleep on my lap. I told Olivia that you could sleep in my bed, so that way you guys wouldn't have to go back to your house with you being so sick."

I can't even look up at him anymore because I am so embarrassed. Like this is the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me. I started the night off by running away like a jealous girl because he made out with a random bitch and then end the night throwing up while he has to take care of me. Ew.

Did he have sex with that girl and then let me sleep in his bed? How many other girls were in this bed before her? How often does he even have time to wash his sheets? I also want to ask if I said anything embarrassing, but at the same time, I don't want to know that answer.

But It's going to eat me up alive if I don't know. And at this point, I don't think anything worse can happen. He probably already thinks I'm weird.

"So you have sex with that preppy brunette girl that had her tongue down your throat and then you let me sleep in your bed? Did you at least change the sheets? If not, that's fucking gross and I am out of here." He chuckles and runs his hand through his hair making his hair go every which way. It looks so fucking sexy like that.

"Were you watching me make out with her? Is someone jealous because baby all you have to do is ask," he says playfully.

" wasn't watching you with her. I just happened to be standing there and see it did you?" I ask, not wanting to hear his response.

"No, I didn't fuck her and I don't let girls stay the night with me or fuck them in my bed. I only fuck girls on the couch out there," he says pointing to the couch in the other room. "so you're good. My bed is all clean."

I can tell he is anxiously waiting for what I'm going to say next.

"Um okay, then why would you let me sleep here if you don't let girls sleep with you?"

"Well for one, I never fucked you and for two, we technically didn't sleep together."

I instantly picture Kyler and I fucking after that sentence and I'm instantly turned on. I don't know how to respond to that, so I ask the other question I want to know.

"Okay then, uhm did...did I say anything to you that was embarrassing? I will die if you tell me yes. Like walk in front of a moving car," I say frantically.

"Gorgeous and funny. I like that. But what do you consider embarrassing? You were talking a lot, I really got to know you last night." Did he just call me gorgeous? Am I still drunk?

"Shit, okay maybe I don't want to know."

There's a knock at the front of his trailer. Kyler walks out to open the door.

"How is she this morning?" I hear Olivia's bright and sunny voice ask. I'm going to kill her for leaving me alone with Kyler while being blacked out drunk. I know her true intentions. I roll my eyes as she walks into where I am.

"Hey princess, you sleep well? I brought you a caramel macchiato-- your fav," she says while handing me the coffee. All I can do is glare at her.

"Come on don't be mad at me. I tried to get you to stop drinking last night and take you home, but you refused and you're the one that wanted to stay with Kyler." What is she talking about? I throw my hands over my face humiliated because Kyler is standing right behind her. I hope he didn't hear me say that last night.

Cutting the awkward silence Liv asks, "So you ready to go home? Ryan said he would drive us back to our apartment."

"Yeah. Fine." I stand up. Fuck! I have nothing to wear home. I don't want to be that annoying fangirl that tries to wear a boy's shirt home, but I can't go naked.

Kyler must have been reading my mind because he looks at me and says, "You can wear my shirt home. It looks like a dress on you anyways. That also means that you will have to bring it back so we will have to finish our conversation." He says with a mischievous tone. "and then I will maybe tell you about all the things you said to me last night."

"Okay, thanks." is all I say back.

Olivia and I walk past him to the front door. As I'm walking out, he says "Damn I like you in my shirt. My last name looks good on you." he says with a sexy flirty voice. Before I even have a chance to think of a response he smiles and shuts the door.

"What is he even talking about? His last name looks good on me?"

"The back of the shirt you are wearing has his last name, you dork."

"Oh, that makes sense," I say flustered. "Let's just get the fuck home, I am ready to go to bed and hopefully forget about this morning."

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