Chapter 16

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Tap. Tap. Tap.


The tapping turns into louder tapping.

I flail my hand in the air while keeping my eyes shut. I need the noise to stop. I'm not ready to wake up.


"Brinley wake your ass up. NOW!" I hear a muffled voice say.

It takes me a couple of seconds to come out of my dream state and realize what is happening. I try to open my eyes, but it's way too bright.

I blink a few times and finally, my vision comes into focus.

I realize I'm sleeping in the back of some random SUV.

I look down and am relieved that I'm still wearing my clothes. I look to the side of me and see that I'm sleeping next to the brunette that offered me the vodka bottle last night.

I don't remember her name.

"Get your ass out here Brinley." Olivia is standing outside the SUV with both hands on her hips.  "I let you hang out with those girls last night because...well you had a shitty night and deserved it, but now it's time to get up."

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a knot." I mumble back to her.

I climb over the middle seats where the passenger doors are, trying not to wake up the girl sleeping next to me. I unlock the doors and hop out.

I stand up and stretch up my arms while letting out a yawn. I'm surprised I don't have a hangover. That's weird. I swore I drank my life away last night.

"How was your night?" I chuckle.

"Well once I was done ripping Kyler a new asshole, I went to find you, which wasn't hard because I knew exactly where your drunk ass would go. I thought those girls would have had you blacked out drunk when I found you, but you weren't drinking at all. You were just laughing and dancing without a care in the world. I made you drink a shit ton of water and gave you some meds to hopefully kill the hangover before it happened."

"That would explain why I feel fine this morning." I avoid saying anything about Kyler. I don't think I can handle that heartache this early.

"Pftttt morning, babe it's 2 in the afternoon. I've been waiting for you to wake up on your own since noon, but I couldn't handle waiting anymore. I thought you might have died."

"I'm sorry you're always having to take care of me. I promise, no more drinking for me. I hope Ryan doesn't hate me for always needing you to babysit my drunk ass." I wrap my arms around Liv and give her the biggest hug.

"You deserved to get drunk last night after seeing that asshole with another the way you're a million times prettier than that girl. She came running after him like a lost puppy, while I was yelling at him. I swear men are idiots." I feel my heart trying to crawl out of my chest. The memory of stumbling into Kyler while he was pinning that girl against the wall while her hands took claim of him.


And then when our eyes locked,  I could see the hunger and desire in them.

It wasn't for me.

Only for her.

"Earth to Brinley. Are you even listening to me?" Whoops. Didn't realize I was spacing out.

"Yeah sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that I need to grab some stuff from Ryan's trailer and then we can head home. I don't think you are in the mood to spend time with Kyler today."

I scrunch my face in disgust. "Yeah, no fucking thanks. He can call any of his other booty calls. I just need a break from whatever this is."

We walk toward the trailers and I pause before we get closer. I don't want to accidentally run into him. Olivia must sense me being hesitant.

"It's fine Brin. Kyler and Ryan left this morning to run some errands. They leave next weekend for a couple of races in Texas. I can't believe I won't see him for 3 whole weeks." Olivia sprints inside of the trailer, grabbing her stuff. What 3 weeks? Why wouldn't Kyler tell me that he was going to be gone for this long? I think even as his fuck buddy that I deserve to know.

Liv walks out of the trailer with a duffle bag of her stuff. She has tears running down her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused.

"I just can't believe he's going to be gone for 3 whole weeks. We've never been apart for that long since I met him. The longest I've been away from him was 2 days for a race in the last two months and that was hard. I wish I could go with him but there is no way I could take time off of work." Olivia bursts into another fit of tears. I run up to her and hold her while letting her cry into my shoulder. Olivia works as a personal assistant for some rich CEO asshole of a financial company. She's worked there for the last year making a decent amount of money. The guy is a complete dick though, he never gives her time off and has her doing tasks that have nothing to do with her job description. She should be helping with financial accounts, but he has her doing his personal errands like picking up dry cleaning.

As I'm trying to console Liv and wipe her tears away, I see Kyler's truck pulling up near us.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I'm not ready to talk to him. Especially looking like crap. I haven't showered or brushed my teeth yet. I also still need to process everything.

Kyler gets out of his truck and he looks shocked that I'm even here. Olivia runs to Ryan, leaving me to deal with Kyler by myself.

"Hey," is all he manages to say to me while getting closer to me.

"Um hi. I would say morning, but looks like I slept most of the day away." I can't look into his eyes. I actually can't look at him at all. I stare at my feet, waiting for this conversation to get heavy.

We both don't speak.

I'm not sure what to say...fuck you? I'm fucking jealous? You never told me that we were seeing other people. Maybe he thinks I'm fucking other guys too. Are things going to be awkward now? Should we end this? Maybe he wasn't seeing other girls until last night and now he wants to break it off with me. Does he just want to be friends? There's no way that I could manage to be just friends with him, after knowing how he tastes and the way he moans. The way he makes me feel.

No way. I don't think I could stand to be around him again. I can't be his friend while watching him with other girls.

Kyler pulls me into his arms and I lay my head on his chest.

His smell brings tears to my eyes, which I wasn't expecting. I'm avoiding the pain I truly feel. I shoved it way deep down and now it's trying to crawl back up. I feel betrayed--cheated on and I know I shouldn't.

I pretend to cough in my arm while breaking away from him. "Well, I got to go. I'll talk to you later." I rush past him, not letting him see my face.

"Wait. Brin. Just stop and talk to me." I hear the sadness in his voice.

I can't. I can't do this.

I walk my way to Olivia's car without looking back. I hear footsteps running towards me and they take my hand.

Olivia walks to the car with me in silence. We get in her car and that's where I finally break down.

The tears just keep coming.

"Finally you show some emotion. You were so calm about everything, even right after it happened. It was freaking me out. Don't hide your emotions babe. Let it all out." She rubs my back while I cry my heart out. She starts the car and holds my hand all way home.

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