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Joohyun decided to submit the application for her to become an announcer at the KBS Studios.

When the two weeks were over for the applications to be evaluated, Joohyun got an email from HR informing her if she'd get an interview or not.

"Seora sunbaenim... HR sent me an email..." Joohyun looked at her senior who walked over and held her shoulders in anticipation.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open the email!"

Joohyun gulped and opened the email when she and Seora saw that her application was successful, and that she'd been invited for an interview the following week.

"Aahhh jinjja!!!!" Joohyun shouted and Seora hugged her tightly uttering words of praise to the younger woman.

"Waahh chukahae Joohyun-ah!! I can't believe you're going for an interview!"

"This was all because of you Seora sunbae, I really... I really can't thank you enough. Neomu neomu gomawoyo."

"Ani, don't thank me yet. We still got to prep for the interview process. But, I'm really happy for you. Let's prepare well okay!"

Joohyun nodded happily and went on with her day's work.

Once she returned home, she ordered takeout and texted Seulgi asking her how her time in New York was going.

Joohyun: Heeyyy how are youuu, and how's the Big Apple???

Seulgi: Unnie, it's 5am in the morning kkk

Joohyun: Aish, mianhaeee :( I forgot kkk

Joohyun: Wait, why are you up so early???

Seulgi: We have a dance workshop with a celebrity today!! Will update you later ;). Annyeong Joohyunniee <3

Joohyun smiled and went to her door to get the takeout that arrived.

"Taehyung-ah, hehe what are you doing with my food." Joohyun folded her arms at her boyfriend who was holding her delivery in his hands.

"Special delivery for Ms Bae Joohyun!" Taehyung walked past her before she closed the door.

"I actually wanted to surprise you because I ordered takeout for us as well. I saw the delivery guy bringing your food so I paid for it." Taehyung shrugged giving her a flying kiss.

"Stop paying for mee jinjja..." Joohyun whined, but Taehyung gently pulled her into his arms instead looking down at the tiny woman in his arms.

"I love it when you complain about me spoiling you. It makes me want to spoil you more."

"Tsk, Kim Taehyung I should take care of you while you are still studying."

"Jaebal noona, I'm months away from graduating — Take this as a practice run."

Joohyun pursed her lips and smiled in defeat before resting her head against Taehyung's chest.

"Does your heart always beat this fast for me Taehyung-ah?"

Joohyun remembered the first time she hugged Taehyung on her birthday, the first time she heard his heart thumping loudly and his heart rate increasing.

"Neh... Even when you're not with me, just by thinking of you, my heart beats."

The couple looked into each other's eyes and was about to kiss when they heard the people from upstairs moving furniture around.

"Everytime..." Taehyung whined throwing his head back, and Joohyun giggled instead.

"It's funny, we've been dating for almost two weeks now and we never really sealed the deal." Joohyun broke away from Taehyung, taking out plates from the cupboard.

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