Moonlight Melody

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Joohyun woke up the morning to an empty bed.

She looked around her room and even listened to any sounds in the apartment indicating Taehyung's presence, but she knew he had left.

Checking the time on her phone she saw it was after 11 a.m. Seulgi mentioned something about returning back to the apartment in the afternoon, so she still had the place to herself for a while.

As she stood up, she saw a note on the far side of the bed and picked it up to read it.

- - -

Last night was amazing ;)
Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, but I have to see the hyungs regarding something important.

Tonight, I'm treating you to dinner!

Taehyung xd
- - -

Joohyun smiled and thought to herself how cute Taehyung was being.

He could've texted her, that wouldn't have been a problem. Yet, knowing how old school Taehyung can be sometimes, she did not mind the note at all. In fact she'd keep it in her memory box that she hid beneath her bed.

Once Joohyun showered and ate lunch, Seulgi waltzed through the door with a big smile on her face.

"Unniieee, did you sleep well?" Seulgi beamed slouching down next to Joohyun on the couch.

"Hello to you too Seulgi-yah." Joohyun rolled her eyes, "I slept like a baby. How was your night with the dongsaengs?"

Seulgi couldn't stop smiling and explained how they played games and had a beauty evening consisting of face masks, makeup and manicures. She too explained how Yeri left them after an hour as she went on a surprise date with Jungkook.

Joohyun glared shockingly at Seulgi, complaining how she would have loved to be part of the fun.

"Yah, why do you do fun things without me?"

"Unnie, you had a romantic evening with your boyfriend. How can we disturb your peace?"

Joohyun suddenly blushed and tried to divert the conversation back to the girls evening, but Seulgi wouldn't budge.

"Hey, here's the part how you explain to me how things went!" Seulgi said excitedly.

"Well... We ate dinner..."

"You and Taehyung ate dinner and??"

"We watched a program on my laptop..."

"Watched something on the laptop aaand?"

"We cuddled and he left!"

Joohyun lied and Seulgi groaned in frustration.

"Unnieeee come on! That doesn't explain the permanent blush on your cheeks this morning."

"Y-yah, that's because I'm wearing makeup pabo."

"You don't wear make-up on the weekend." Seulgi stared bored at Joohyun, "Unnie, I know you're very private and all but please just tell me one TMI!"

Joohyun giggled at Seulgi's persistence thinking how Yeri must've influenced her older friend.

"Arasseooo... Okay so after we watched the program on my laptop, we kissed." She said matter-of-fact.

Seulgi peered at Joohyun trying to pick up any signs of lying.

"Hmm.... I don't quite believe you..."

"Tsk, believe what you want. What I said was the truth. A girl - woman — doesn't kiss and tell in the first place." Joohyun smiled and got up from the couch, "I'm going to buy ice-cream sandwiches. Do you want to join me?"

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