8. Shift

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Jordan's POV:

The smile on face has not left. I haven't shifted since Bethany pissed me off at school. Raven has been begging me to shift for ages but she knows the rules. When Hunter asked me to shift I squealed for like five minutes.

We both strip our clothes and our bones crake and reshape. I look over to my beautiful mate who is now Jax and we both show a wolfie grin.

Ready? He asked through the mind link. I don't bother answering I just take off running. Obviously Hunter catches up to me and we run along side each other, not racing just having fun.
Raven needed this, she is ecstatic to finally be in wolf form with our mate.

Raven and Jax have always been close like Hunter and I. She told me the other day that her and Jax knew we were mates all our lives but didn't say anything and waited for us to know.

When I run in wolf form it's like all my worries and cares vanish. I'm just so focused on running and how free we both feel.

The first time I shifted, I woke up at about two am and I was in my bedroom. I yelled out in pain and Hunter, Garret and Luna all come running in but I had already shifted. I still remember the looks in their faces when they saw Raven. She is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen, other then Jax obviously.
She is pure white with patches of purple all over.

Garret and Luna have never told me why I can't shift in front of our pack but they did say it's because I could be in danger.
I often think if my mom or dad had the same wolf as me but then I become sad.

Hunter or should I say Jax, tackles me to the floor and licks my face and neck making me howl in pleasure. We walk to the closet lake and have a drink before we decide to make our way back when suddenly I smell rotten flesh and I know Hunter smells it to because he demands I shift back.
I go to the closet tree and throw on an over sized sweatshirt that ends at my mid thigh.

Three brown wolves surround us while snarling.

Stay with me everything will be ok. Hunter said through the mink link confidently. I know I'm safe with Hunter. He's more powerful then his dad is, Hunter could easily kill eight rouges all alone. But because I always over think to much I become anxious and play with the hem of the sweatshirt.

One the rouges jumps forward and aims for Hunters neck but Hunter got there first and snapped the rouges with ease. The other rouge growls and both jump on Hunter. He uses his back legs to kick one off and it flys into a tree. The one in front of Hunter bites into his neck but Hunter quickly snaps his neck. I felt the pain when Hunter got bitten, thanks to the mate bond. The wolf who flew against the tree is still led on the ground but I can hear his heart beat slightly so Hunter kills him instantly.

He shifts back to human and throws on a pair of short and runs over to me. I jump into his arms and and we both put our faces in the others neck and we both calm down instantly. He pulls away and pecks my lips before smiling at me.
"Come on, let's head back." He whispered before shifting again once my feet are on the ground.
He lowers himself and I jump onto his back. He runs at full speed as I lay on my stomach and wrap my arms around his neck because I just love him so much.

When we arrive back at the pack house we both shower, separately.
Once I'm out the shower I run into Hunters room and grab a pair of his boxers and his white T-shirts.
While he is in the shower I walk in and brush me teeth, he finishes showering and joins me.
Once I'm finished I turn and look Hunter dead in the eye.

"I wanna stop taking me meds." I spoke clearly while crossing my arms over my chest.
"I'll book an appointment for you." He said with a smile before kissing me cheek and carrying me off the his bedroom.
We both quickly fell asleep from an exhausting day.

I wake up to discover Hunter isn't next to me and sadness washes over me. I snuggle into his pillow and breath in his scent and I instantly calm down a little.

Baby? He asked through the mind link.
I'm sorry I got woken up because more rouges attacked the worriers. He sighed. I instantly sit up and panic.
Baby girl, calm down. Everything is ok. He said reassuringly.
Where are you? I asked sleepily.
My office. Before he could say anything else i shut him out and ran out of the room. I speed to the other side of the house until I reach his office. I don't bother knocking, I just barge in and jump over his desk and jump on him. I snuggle into him and he chuckles before hugging me back, making me smile.

"I want cuddles EVERY morning." I moaned while breathing in his scent.
"Okay baby." He chuckled into my hair.
"I've got a meeting today with the golden moon pack, will you join me?" He asks while pulling away and smiling at me. I nod and pull him into another hug, making him chuckle yet again.

After about ten minutes of staying in this position I eventually get up and go and get ready.

I jump into the shower and wash my hair and body thoroughly as well as running the razor over all important areas.
I jump out and brush my teeth while singing along to all the songs playing from my phone.

I make my way into my room and walk into my closet and head towards all my smart clothes that Luna helped me buy before I became Luna.

I make my way into my room and walk into my closet and head towards all my smart clothes that Luna helped me buy before I became Luna

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I choose some white smart pants with a white blazer and a black lacy body suit. I add my rose gold watch while slipping on my red bottoms. I do my everyday make up and throw my hair up into a sleek ponytail. I quickly add some small diamond earrings before looking at myself once more before leaving. I have to say I'm extremely proud of myself for doing all this, and I do kinda look like a Luna.

I proudly walk back to Hunters office and I knock on the door. He tells me to come in so I open the door and smile at him. His mouth falls open and I can see love and lust swirling around in his eyes making me giggle. He pretty much runs to me and pulls me into his arms.
"You look fucking incredible." He mumbled while taking my body in with his eyes.
"You look yummy." I chuckled while admiring his body being suffocated by his white dress shirt and Hunter jr in his black smart pants.
"You ready Luna?" He asked with a smile.
"Yes Alpha." I said proudly while talking his hand in mine and walking out of his office.

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