Finale V

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But could life really be fair? In the journey that we walk, taking each breath with the challenges and praying with hope-filled hearts that God sustains us, nothing is ever guaranteed. Gina has prayed for her sister, together in prayer with Aaliyah and with high hopes that God will come through for them. None asked what the Almighty’s plan is but all they’ve asked for since she got admitted was for God to bring her back to the land of the living. though she’s lost her first son, what they know is they cannot afford to lose her too.
It's about three months later when her spirit stands between life and death, having been unconscious for about four months.
“where am I?” Jhene’s voice echoes in what seems like a narrow, dark passage. The light at the end of the channel is evident yet her feet feel heavy as she tries to walk towards that light.
‘Fight’ a gentle voice whisper to her. ‘Fight to get to the light.’
‘you’re going to feel a lot of pain in that light. You’re going to wish you would have given into the dark where you’ll get to be with your precious son. Is pain what you want?’ the angel of death asks, successful in contemplating her thoughts. That voice is more prominent, louder even.
‘Matshidiso, tlo ho nna.’ (come to me)
“Mama?” she tries looking around in the dark, wondering if she’s dead because she knows her mother is.
‘Tlo’ (come), Liteboho’s gentle whisper says. ‘follow my voice’
Jhene closes her eyes in her search for her mother and as she continues calling for her, she’s finally able to move her feet. With her eyes closed she walks, hoping that her feet are leading her to the right direction.
The bright hits her shut eyes and when she opens, she has to blink a couple of times to regain her vision. Her heart is at peace, she can feel it and it’s somehow overwhelming. There’s green everywhere, beautiful green trees, grass and shrubs. There are blooming flowers too in different colours and sizes. Bright yellow sunflowers, white lilies, pink lilies, tulips and lotus flowers among the others.
‘What is this place?’, she wonders and as she turns, she sees a figure sitting on a swing. As she gets closer to the figure and from the hair and complexion, she notices it’s her mother. With a bright smile she walks until she’s standing behind her where she hugs her then sits next to her.
“It’s really you.” Jhene says and her late mother nods.
“It’s me my child.” Liteboho says, brushing her daughter’s cheek.
“Am I dead?” she asks and Liteboho shakes her head no.
“It’s not yet time for you my child.” Liteboho says. “We don’t have much time”
“I want to stay with you mama. I missed you.” Jhene says.
“I missed you too my child, but you’ve just gotten married. Your husband needs you and so does your three kids.”
“Three kids?” Jhene looks down at her flat stomach and just then, she hears babbling of a child. When she looks back at her mother, she has a boy child wrapped in a blue throw.
“He… he’s dead?” Jhene asks and her mother nods.
“I’ll look after him, don’t worry. You should go back to your husband and kids.” Liteboho says, touching her forehead.
“I can’t leave him behind mama. I wanted a son and God heard me and gave me one. I cannot leave him.” She says and her late mother shakes her head.
“Che, ngwanaka. You must go back to your three daughters and two sons. They need you.”
“I don’t have sons, Siya has.” She replies, making her mother giggle.
“Did you not take a vow before God that what’s his is yours? Go.”
She touches her forehead again and as she closes pushes her.
“I need you to come back to me Tshidi. Come back to our girls please. I’m nothing without you my rib and I don’t want to feel all this pain anymore.” Siya says cupping his wife’s hand. “We need you”
A nurse comes in to tell him visiting hours are over and with a broken heart, he leaves, surprising the nurse. Usually, he refuses to leave and fights whoever tries to force him out. The securieties even with their might always fail to get him out. Then would them wait until he’s cried himself to sleep next to his wife’s bedside and he’d be lifted out like a child. His father’s heart always breaks when he must drive his son home. He had spent almost a month not bathing and only did when his girls begged him two. They two have hated being without their mother. The family was forced to tell them where she was and could come visit whenever they had the chance with Liyah, their aunt. They’ve been praying with their aunts and church and all they all have now is hope of her waking up.
“How is she?” Aaliyah asks her brother when he comes out of Jhene’s room.
“What do you think?” he replies, sitting on the bench just outside the room and next to its door. She stretches her hand to his and gives it a squeeze.
“She’ll be OK.”
“It’s not really our year, is it?” he whisper-ask after about five minutes of silence.
“She’ll wake up, I know she will.” Aaliyah says with not even an ounce of doubt.
And she does, exactly three hours after they leave. The first pain she feels before she attempts to open her eyes is that in her head. It’s excruciating, making her want to cry. Her throat is dry and so are her lips and when she opens her eyes, they meet with that of her sister. She must blink a few times until the blurriness.
“You’re awake. She’s awake!” Gina shouts, pressing the panic button so a nurse can come. After she does, she squeezes her sister making her aware of the pain in her abdomen. “Oh sorry. I’m so happy you’re awake. We thought you never will.” She says, letting go of Jhene.
Tears stain Gina’s face as she watches the nurse fuss over her little sister to make sure she’s OK. She’s too shocked to even take her phone and call someone. She came at the last visiting hour and had been surprised to find Siya isn’t there like he usually is.
“I’ll bring you some painkillers.” The nurse says after helping Jhene to a bottle of water. Apart from her dry lips, she seems fine to her sister. Gina sits on the chair next to her bed and takes her hand.
“How are you feeling, apart from the pain that is,” Gina asks.
“I don’t know. I… I’m confused. I thought… how did I get here?” Jhene asks in astound.
“What? You mean you don’t know?” Gina asks and Jhene nods yes. “What do you remember?”
“I…I remember the guys who came into my house and they… one had a syringe… how did I get here?”
“Uhm…” Gina says and before she can say anymore, the nurse comes with Jhene’s pills and announces that visiting hours are over.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Gina says and kisses her sister’s cheek. It doesn’t take long for the pills to knock Jhene out again.

Gina makes a conference call when she arrives at her house letting Siya, Aaliyah and her father know that Jhene’s awake. In Siya’s life, a light has been set and joy has filled it again. Ntate is happy that her daughter is back because he wasn’t ready to let her go while Aaliyah is glad her brother won’t be sad anymore and that the twins will finally have their mother.
Even now, the cause of the miscarriage is still unknown. Siya wonders how he’s going to tell her what happened because even he has no idea. How did a day that was supposed to be filled with joy and happiness turn out that way? no one thought of the glass.
He crashes her in an embrace soon as he gets in her room and only lets go when she winces. It’s morning and the twins missed school for this. The girls also hug their mother, placing a kiss on her lips. She tries to hide her confusion but Siya notices.
“Are you OK?” he asks.
“Who are they and you… you’ve grown.” Jhene says and he’s quick to catch what’s going on.
“What do you remember?” he asks, and she looks from the girls to him.
“Last time we were together we made love. Are they yours?” she asks, and he nods.
“Ours. We’re married now with two kids while I have two more out of wedlock. Israel will turn a year soon.” Siya says with a smile, happy that she is awake regardless of her amnesia.
“How the hell did I get to have kids though? No offence girls, at least you’re pretty. I never wanted kids, made sure I don’t have and even gave one away.” Jhene says and only realises too late what she’s said.
“Girls, excuse us please.” Siya says and the girls sadly walk out.
“What do you mean gave one away? When the hell did you fall pregnant because we met right after you came out of prison? So you kept this away from me?” he asks.
“So many questions.” Jhene simply says, wondering how the hell she let it slip.
“Cut the attitude and tell me the truth.” Siya says and she rolls her eyes like she’s not in pain. That alone reminds him of her years ago before they had the twins and though he’s missed the bad her, he feels it’s not time for her. she tells him what she remembers, keeping it as brief and omitting details that’d make her a little heartless.
“I can’t believe this. Is it how bad you didn’t want kids?” Siya asks in disbelief.
“I was a teenager and just convicted, what else would I have done?” Jhene replies.
“So, you have an eighteen-year-old daughter somewhere?” he asks, and she nods. “Wow.”
There’s nothing more he can say. As the days go on, she recovers quicklty than anticipated and about a week later, she’s back at home and is somehow regaining bits and pieces of her memories. The doctor said she might not get all of it back and though she doesn’t remember the wedding, she now remembers the girls. It’s a miracle because no one has ever regained their memory that fast, so it’s concluded to be all God.

A/N : Good evening guys, know it's been ages. I tend to experience a writer's block with this story which is why it's taking me long to post sometimes. I'm hoping we're only left with the epilogue now and do forgive me for the lack of consistency. Please do vote and comment, I miss reading your takes.

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