Pubs and mates

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I closed the door and couldn't help but hear the music all the way from, from the house?

'What is this place?' He puts the phone in his pocket as he closes the car doors. His smile makes all of this seem normal even if nothing is. He looks around and takes a step back, taking it all in. So I follow and do the same. I stand next to him and observe it all. The huge property is surrounded by tall trees swinging from one side to another. Sights like this, only get to be seen in movies. The wind found its way through those branches, moving them away, forcing them to dance. Some melodies are reaching us from the far. Maybe they aren't that far away but the wind makes them travel in the weirdest directions possible. One moment the front bits of my hair are floating in the air and the other they stick across my face. With music, it's the same. I only get to hear some bits of it but still, I feel peace. Those fields are hard to see right now but as far as my sight reaches, they make me feel free. I feel like no one is going to hurt me here, like I'm on the other side of the world, far away from everyone, everything, from the truth. I feel like this place gives me possibilities, it gives me time to close my eyes and just breathe. It tells you, calm the fuck down, listen to the wind, listen to yourself! People get scared by peace because of the fear that they'd hear those thoughts we all try to hide from ourselves, but to know what we need, we have to listen.

I look at him and realize that he probably feels the same about this place. He seems more himself just by being here. I never thought someone could feel connected to a place, not like this but one more time he proved me wrong. Even if this feels right, something inside of me is telling me to end this trip and just never see him again but once again my mouth came first.

'This is giving me some Dirty dancing vibes.' My words made him snap out of his little moment as his eyes meet mine. Even if I don't look at his lips, his eyes are telling me that he's smiling right now.

'What exactly? The golf club or the music?' I knew this was some kind of club!

'Actually, this guy carried a watermelon inside, like 2 minutes ago.' I love the fact that he's thinking about it.

'I don't even think that they have them here but I'll have to believe you. Now, let's go.'

'Are you going to play golf, like in this hour?' My mind came up with some ideas of why we're here but the only reasonable explanation would be to, well to play?

'Even if that option came to my mind earlier, it left and something else came up.'  He opens the huge doors that lead us into something I would have never pictured here. The whole house is overseeing the field and the lake. There are about thousands of lights across the ceiling which lights up the dancers on the floor. I didn't even know that places like this existed. Everyone is so peaceful. Partners lean on each other as they dance to the songs that make my body tingle in the best way possible. There are girls in short flowy dresses, they look classy, not sassy. It's refreshing to see something like this.

'Now, I know I'm not quite like Johnny, more like Baby but if you'll give me the honour?' He reaches his hand out as he proposes for a dance. I can't stop my lips from forming into a smile as I put my hand on his.

'How did you know about this?' I look around searching for the right word to call this.. event?

'I'm a member of this club, I come to these once in a while when I get a chance and sing to them.' There's something about Ireland that I'll never reckon.

'I thought Ireland was all about pubs and mates, all drinking and fun but I have never imagined this.' My words make him laugh which makes me foolishly laugh along. The way his dimples appear when he smiles make me lost in his beauty.

'I have never taken part in something this lovely and calming.' I say and put my head back on his shoulder, brushing my face against his neck lightly, making us both feel it and I know it. His grip tightens just as mine does all this time. I used to get rushes like this, mostly it was adrenaline but now, I get like this because it's something new. Something I thought I was banned from feeling but tonight proved me wrong. Even if it's new for me, it's not for him. He's done this before and it can't possibly leave the same mark on him as it did on me.

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