What Hurt's The Most (Chapter Thirty Seven)

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Austin's POV

I pulled out my phone seeing all the texts on my phone, screenshots being received. I opened the first one and It was an article with TMZ and when I looked it wasn't really about me it was about, Elena, my daughter, and Niall Horan which had become a close good friend to Elena. I didn't know he was in town and Elena defiantly didn't say anything about it, but honestly she doesn't owe me anything right now, I've broke her heart so much and I knew she was just friends with Niall, what pissed me off was they decided to bring my daughter into it. My daughter was off limits to paparazzi and news articles. I was pissed. After the doctor's office yesterday, I came home and wallowed in my pity, I didn't go back to Elena's or text her because I wasn't ready to tell her what I found out.

Yesterday at the doctor's office

"hello Kelly, are we here for the results?" the lady asked walking into the room we were sitting in. my heart was in my stomach and my stomach felt like it wanted to throw up all over the room. "Yes." She said not looking at me and I knew she was lying; she wouldn't look at me and she didn't want to hear the answer either. "Okay it looks like we tested Austin Post with the blood sample correct?" she asked, and Kelly nodded still not looking at me. "Are you Austin?" she asked looking at me and I just nodded. "Well congratulations it looks like you are the father." I could have passed out right there, honestly, I wanted to fall to my knees and cry. I could feel my hands starting to shake and It was something I had never felt before.

"Austin do you need a drink?" the nurse asked noticing my hands shake "No thank you." I said and I looked over at Kelly who looked just as shocked as me, "I think you might be having a panic attack." The nurse said but I didn't care I took off out of the office I just needed some fresh air. What the hell was I going to do? I was going to lose Elena she wasn't going to have anything to do with me once she knows, I don't think she could love me through that and that was what hurt the most, that's what was causing the panic attack. "Austin baby aren't you just excited?" Kelly said walking out and putting her hand on my back "Don't touch me." I said walking over to the car. I pulled out my phone and called Diamanté "it's mine, we just left the office and I think I'm having a panic attack." I said and she responded, "Say no more, I'm on my way." She said hanging up.

We sat in my car silent until Diamante's car pulled up and she and Shelby got out walking over to the car and I got out. "I can't do this, what do I do?" I said running my words together "Sit down first" Shelby said, and I followed her order by sitting on the curb. "Austin- "I heard Kelly's voice, but Diamanté shut that down "Nope stay in the car." She said pointing her finger at her. Shelby and Diamanté sat beside me "calm down." Shelby said, I was trying my best, but I couldn't stop seeing Elena in my mind. "look you need to go stay at the hotel you've been staying at, you need to get yourself together, once you've done that you need to tell Elena, I know you don't want too, I get that but she deserves to know." Shelby said looking at me.

"Austin, Elena loves you more than anything and I know she's not going to handle this information very well, she just had a baby two weeks ago, her body is still healing and she's been handling the nights alone, but she has to know before Kelly tells her and then she's even more pissed with you. You two are meant to be together, and as much as I was against it in the beginning I now see how much you two need each other, you two need each other and I have a feeling she's not going to just walk way from you, she can't unlove you Austin remember that, you have a beautiful baby girl together and you have to fight for her." Diamanté said taking me by surprise because if you remembered she didn't really like me. I nodded standing up "We will take her to her car, where is it?" Shelby asked pointing to Kelly in my car.

"It's down the road from Elena's" I said trying not to cry, I didn't want to cry in front of them, the only person I feel comfortable crying around is Elena and she's not here, she's home holding or baby. I got up off the curb and Kelly got out of the car walking over to me. "I don't want them to take me to my car, I want you too." She said grabbing my arm and fake pouting. "Kelly, I need to be alone right now, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk." I said getting in my car I knew I had to figure out what I was going to do with Kelly and how we are going to co parent. She was about ready to give birth, so it was defiantly starting to stress me out now that I know it's mine. I drove to the hotel and I cried as soon as I got up to the room.

Present day

I had been up almost all night trying to figure out what I was going to do, what I was going to say to Elena once I told her, I knew I needed to tell her today, but now seeing that article I needed to handle that first because it pissed me off so much that they put my daughter in an article, what else pissed me off was I couldn't figure out how they knew where she lived, and I needed to get her moved to that new house even if I wasn't in it, she needed to be, it was secured, even though her house now has a security system it didn't have cameras and the new house did I made sure of that. I called Dre and told him to get in contact with TMZ to have the article taken down. After about 5 hours of messing with TMZ we got the article taken down and by the time it was taken down and I got off the phone it was 8PM and I hadn't seen Elena or Mia for 24 hours and that was the longest I had been without seeing Mia.

I also knew it was too late to go over there, Elena tried to have Mia asleep by 7 so that she could sleep some because Mia was still waking up about every 3-4 hours from what I've been told and I wished she would let me stay the night and help her but I get why she doesn't. I knew she had probably came to the conclusion that the baby was mine since I hadn't talked to her yet, but she also hasn't texted or called me, so I knew she knew. I decided to try and get some sleep since I didn't sleep the night before, but I couldn't help but be a little jealous that Niall was out walking with Elena, I didn't get to take a walk with my daughter for the first time because I'm an idiot.

I was almost asleep when my phone rang and I figured it was Kelly so I just ignored it without even looking but then it rang again immediately after the last call so I rolled over looking at my phone to see Elena calling me, I quickly sat up answer "Hello? Are you okay? Is Mia okay?" I asked so fast I almost didn't understand myself talking. "Austin." I heard her say and I could tell she had been crying "What's wrong baby." I said then my eyes got big realizing I had called her baby, but she didn't fight it, she didn't say a word about it. "She won't stop crying, she's not latching, she's not hungry, I've changed her diaper, I put her on her baby mover thing but she wont stop." She said crying.

"can you come over." She finally asked and I quickly jumped up "Yes, I'm on my way baby relax I'll be there soon." I said and she hung up the phone. I got dressed and ran out to my car getting in and driving as fast as I could to Elena. It took me about 15 minutes to get there, as I was driving, I looked down to see it was 2AM which I hadn't even looked at the clock when I left. I finally pulled up to Elena's house and all the lights were off, but I could see the light from the TV still on, so I knew she was still awake. I got out of the car and walked up to her door where she opened it before I even knocked. As soon as she opened the door, I could hear Mia crying and I could see how tear-soaked Elena's face was, she quickly threw her arms around me and put her head in my chest.

I wasn't going to stop her I wrapped my arms around her and held her as tight as I could. "Come on baby lets get inside." I said and she let go grabbing my hand pulling me inside I walked over to Mia who was crying her little eyes out and picked her up "What's going on baby girl?" I said looking at her as she looked up at me and the cries started to slow down until she wasn't crying anymore "She stopped" Elena said looking at me like I had worked a miracle "sit down, I got her." I said sitting down rocking Mia, Elena sat down beside me wiping her tears "Thank you so much for coming." She said laying her head on my shoulder and for the first time since yesterday it was like I had forgotten about all my problems and I felt like a family with Elena.

Sitting here I felt so much peace and love, it was like my heart was beating just for Elena and Mia, like I existed for them, my whole life had lead up to this moment, rocking my baby girl and Elena laying on my shoulder, I was at peace for a few minutes. It wasn't very long before I could hear Elena breathing a little heavy and I knew she was asleep still laying on my shoulder. I looked down at Mia who was wide awake looking up at me. "You just wanted you daddy huh?" I said looking down at her smiling and it was such a special moment for me, she knew who I was and wanted me. as I was holding Mia, I felt my phone buzz and I maneuvered everything doing my best not to wake Elena and pulling my phone out of my pocket, it was a chore for sure.

I looked to see it was Kelly calling and I just silenced it, but as soon as I did that a text came through "I'm in labor I need you." It said and I felt my heart drop again, I hadn't even told Elena and she was already having her baby? I didn't respond right away, and she called again and I'm not proud of what I did next, but I did it. I hit silent and put my phone down and ignored her. Like I said I'm not proud of it, but I didn't want to wake Elena up she clearly hadn't gotten any sleep for the past few weeks and Mia wouldn't stop crying, I couldn't leave Elena and Mia right now. 

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