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"Damn she got you on that one" Alec laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I could kill her right now-"

"But you can't because she was right, you do need her" he laughed.

"Interrupt me again and it will be you next" I threaten and he groans.

"I have everything planned out, Roger is supposed to be stationed downtown in some motel" Alec says and I nodded looking over his work.

"Why would he be in a motel?" I question confusingly.

"Because that's where he goes to fuck people" Alec says bluntly.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You're just jealous that an old man has more game than you do" Alec laughed but I glared at him.

"He's a man whore that's what he is, and so is his daughter" I scoffed.

"Eve is not like that, and don't say anything about her" he says.

"Shut up, and tell me the rest of the plan" I demanded.

"He's alone at the Motel, he has no security with him and plus it's late right now. We go down to the motel and we will find him in...room 234" he explains.

"Good good" I say.

"Rally up the team, I'm getting my gear on now" I say and he nodded.

"I'll grab my gear too-"

"You're not going" I say cutting him off and his eyes widen.

"What? I just planned-"

"You thought you were going? Hilarious. You do the theoretical side of the work; you don't get to do the practical side. Plus, you wouldn't survive in attack. It's best you stay behind a computer screen" I laughed at his ridiculous thought.


"I'll be heading home then after getting the team ready" he says quietly and I nodded before heading up to my room.

I made into my room filled with gear, I finally might have the chance to get Roger and then get him to hand his fucking gang over. I need all the power I can get, and I'm sure Roger is going to die soon anyway.

And it's not like Evelyn will take over his gang. She could never be a gang leader, she's better off being a pre-school teacher or something stupid.

I'll finally have more extended power in my hands and I can get rid of Evelyn. She's just extra baggage for me, I didn't even like her presence.

I strapped on all of my gear and strapped on all of my guns. I was ready to go and catch this bastard.

I opened the door and walked out of the room, I halted as I saw Evelyn at the bottom of the hall. She was struggling with something, I stood amused as she was stumbling around in circles.

Is she drunk? Was my first thought but I made my way over.

"Evelyn" I called gripping her arm so she would stop circling around.


"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This collar is itching me, something is poking into my neck. I'm trying to check what it is" she says.

"The fucking leather ripped and the metal chip is what's scratching you" I say.

"Stay still" I demanded. She stood still but her small dainty and soft hands gripped on to my arm. I ignored the sensation I was feeling on my arm.

"How did you manage ripping this?" I ask her and she shrugs.

I managed to take it off her neck and I could see a faint red mark all the way around her neck. "Why is your neck red?" I asked in confusion.

"Geez I don't know- maybe that collar being strapped on tight, almost suffocating me everyday" she sasses.

"I'll keep it off for a while, but you better behave otherwise it's going back on but even tighter" I threaten and she nodded looking down.

"I want you to be asleep before I get back" I say and her jaw dropped.

"It's only 10pm!" She exclaims.

"I'll be back by 12, two hours is plenty of time" I say and she sighs.

"Drop the attitude, if I see you awake there will be consequences" I say and she nods.

She walks past me and I threw the collar to the side before heading downstairs. I walked straight out of the door and hopped into one of the cars that was ready for me.

Time to go catch this bastard.

We all rallied up around the motel. And thankfully room 234 was the last one at the end of the hall, meaning there hopefully won't be much trouble.

"Go" I commanded and one of my men ran and bursted the door open. Immediately my ears were echoing to the sound of a woman screaming and child's scream.

A child?

Wait- what?

I walked into the room to see a woman holding her crying child. "I am so sorry, ma'am" I apologised.

"Fix this" I say to them before I turned around and pulled my phone out.

My eyes landed on an envelope with a red wax seal on it. And on the back had Shawn in cursive written on it.

What the fuck?

"Hello? Hello?" I heard from my phone making me realise Alec had answered my call. I grabbed the envelope and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Alec! You fucking stupid idiot" I yelled into walking back down and to the car.

"What?" He asks.

"Roger wasn't there! I don't know what the fuck you told me. I also found and envelope with my name on it by the room" I explain.

"fuck, it was a set up!" He groans.

"What?" I asked.

"Someone probably knew you were going down there and then told Roger. Then they left a letter for you!" he says.

"Who the fuck would've known where I was going?" I yelled.

"Maybe we have a mole" he says and my eyes widen.

"A mole? I trust my men" I say.

"Seems possible because if you think about it, every other time it seems like everyone knows our next move" he explains.

"Alec, I think you're on to something" I say.

"We can discuss this tomorrow and we can see what the hell this envelope is saying" I say and he agreed.

"Home" I snapped to my driver.

Now I needed to know who the fuck was the mole and who were these letters from...

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