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As soon I heard Shawn's quiet snores, I slowly rolled out of his bed and tip-toed out of his room. I could not stay in his room because I already knew in the morning it would cause a big issue and when Shawn gets angry it's not fun.

And I've been on the receiving end of his anger. It's not something I want to go through tomorrow.

I shook my head and put the left over dinner in the fridge and then cleaned up the kitchen before I headed back to my assigned room and tried to sleep.

However, Shawn's drunken behaviour was something so new and a foreign to me, and I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

My body jumped at the sound of a harsh slam, my heart almost exploding out of my mouth as I sat up. It took me a few seconds to adjust to what was even happening before I saw Shawn.

And he looked really angry.

I didn't know what had made him angry this morning considering it was only 7am. I thought he would've slept in until lunch at least.

"Get up" he snaps as he gives me a deathly glare.

"Now" he yells loudly making me jump up and out of the bed. My palms were feeling sweaty as I stood up and he stepped forward yanking me by the arm and pulling me out of the room.

"What's going on?" I ask as he's dragging me down the hall.

He doesn't say anything but he takes me up to his office, I'm like tripping over my feet at this point because he's dragging me too quickly. Before I knew it he pushed me down into one of the office chairs and then proceeded to walk around his desk.

I sat there scared and unsure of what was going on or what was happening with him. He groans angrily before kicking his desk and smacking it until the bottom draw opened.

I watched silently before he pulled out another black collar. My eyes widened before he looked at me with the collar hanging off his finger. "Wh-what's that f-for?" I stuttered not wanting that to be put on me again.

"For you" he simply replies.

"Why? I-I haven't done anything" I say and he sighs.

"Simple. I don't trust you at all, I shouldn't have been taken it off in the first place" he says and I shook my head.

"Please don't make me wear it" I say pleadingly.

"Well I don't care, you're wearing it" he states as he walks around.

As he comes closer, I move my head away and he narrows his eyes at me. His hand grips me by the shoulder so I can't move too much but I shove his hand off me as I try to wriggle out. "Please- don't" I quietly plead as I try to stop him from putting it on me.

"Evelyn- stop moving" he yells before putting all of his body weight on me making me unable to move out of his grip.

"No-stop" I say moving my head away as much as I can. His body is weighing me down a lot and hurting my legs now.

"Get off me" I say as I try to get him off of me but that doesn't work as he ignores my protests for him to stop and get off.

"Evelyn stay still" he yells.

"Please- don't make me wear it" I pleased as my voice cracked.


"Shut up" he yells and before I could even comprehend what was happening a harsh, fast and heavy palm connected with my cheek. My body suddenly froze and stopped resisting, my cheek was stinging from the impact and tears were pouring down my cheeks as I looked at Shawn in fear. He grips my hands tightly in his hands so I don't move any more.

He wraps the collar around my neck and then stands up before stretching. "If you just listen to what I say next time then I won't have to force you" he spat and I just looking as my hands which had a red mark from when he was holding it tightly.

I tried not to make any noise as my tears were dripping down my cheeks. I heard his footsteps walk away before he slammed something shut making me jump.

He then made an appearance in front of me again, before gripping me by the arm. He was so aggressive and taking whatever anger he had built in him out on me. He made me stand to my feet before dragging me out of the office.

"I don't want to see your face now" he snaps before pushing me with full force of out the office. I didn't have any balance and as soon as he pushed me I went flying straight down and my needs hitting the wooden floor.

I yelped in pain before I tried pulling myself up, but now it hurt to walk because I'm pretty sure my knees were bruised.

I took myself downstairs and to the bathroom near my room. I started running the tapping before letting out my cries, I didn't want anyone to hear me or Shawn getting angry again. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and sobbed into my hands.

I need to get out of here. Someone please save me.

After I cried and calmed myself down, I looked in the mirror at my now pink cheek. I washed my face with cold water and then stepped out of the bathroom.

At the end of the hall was Alec, he stood there with a smile as he waved at me.

I didn't even think twice before my feet carried me straight down the hall, I crashed into Alec and he wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks as his hand rubbed my back.

"I'm scared" I whispered in fear as I held him tightly...
A/N: Tell me one thing you miss but can't have/see due to the quarantine.

I miss my friends and my favourite spicy wings from my local restaurant :(

Drop a "🍿" to let me know you're safe and well. I love you all ❤️

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