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My eyes opened and it took me a minute to realise what was going on, I was strapped down in the back of a car. A driver and Shawn right next to me, he turned his head and gave me a disapproving look.

"Let me go" I yell trying to get out of the belts that were restraining me down.

"Shut up" Shawn scolded.

"No, let me go" I screamed while trying to pull myself out of the restraints which were holding me down.

Shawn immediately scooted over and placed his hand over my mouth with a harsh grip. "Make another sound and I'll make sure you don't make it until the end of this ride" he threatens as tears spill down my cheeks.

I sat there silently with tears slipping down my cheeks and dripping down my chin and neck. I bit my lip so hard so I didn't make any noise and not to aggravate Shawn into hurting me more than he already has.

With the drive ending pretty quickly, we pulled up to his house and then he pulled me out of the car. A harsh grip on my arms causing me pain, I whimpered in pain as he was shoving me and forcing me to walk with him.

"You're going to be sorry for ever trying to escape me" he spat harshly.

"You're h-hurting-"

"I don't care" he yells.

"Let me go" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried pushing him off me.

"Stop" he ordered but I continued to fight him and try to get out of his grip.

"No! Let me go" I screamed which echoed across the whole house.

I'm not giving up without a fight.

I can't let him win.

"Evelyn, I swear -" I kneed him right in the balls and his grip loosened which made it easier for me to push him with all the strength that I had. With all the force I had I pushed him and turned to make a run for it.

He tripped me with his foot which made me fall over, he grabbed my ankle and with one swift motion he pulled me all the way back to him. Within a second he flipped me over and was now on top of me.

His hand gripping my face harshly as his dark eyes pierced right through my soul. "Let me go!" I screamed again at the top of my lungs.

"I've had enough out of you. You disobeyed me-"

"Why are you keeping me? Let me go! I'm no use" I yelled.

"Please let me go" I say struggling with his weight on me.

"You're right. You are no use to me, you are absolutely useless to me" he spat.

"I like to make your life miserable so your father can-"

"My dad doesn't care about me! If he gave a shit, he would've done something a while back to save me. He doesn't give a shit" I screamed at him as my sobs began taking over.

"Don't raise your voice at me" he says as his jaw clenched in frustration.

"Or what" I challenged.

He didn't say anything for a second, he shook his head in disapproval before I knew it a cold and sharp metal was pressed against my neck. I let out a quiet gasp as my heart was rapidly shaking with his knife to my throat.

"You'll end up with the same fate as your mother" he says and my eyes widened.

"I suggest you don't speak another-"

"Kill me, just do it" I say and he freezes while looking at me.

"Just let me die, I have nothing else to live for" I sobbed.


"No, do it. Kill me" I say wrapping my hand around his and pushing the knife against my neck.

He immediately pulled the knife away from me and just stared at me in confusion. "Stop that" he demanded.

As his grip loosened for a second time, I pushed him and fled the other way and he didn't have any time to grab my ankle or pull me back. I started bolting down the hall way but before I knew it two guards had gripped me and lifted me up.

"Stop it! Let me go" I screamed while kicking and trying to get out of their grip.

They took me back and I was met with Shawn's angered face. The rage was burning out of him as he stared at me. "Evelyn, you're going to be very sorry for all of this" he says.

I was dragged by force into a dark room and strapped down to a chair. My mouth covered and eyes covered making it all completely dark. My screams and cries for help were muffled and my tears soaking the blindfold did nothing.

I heard the door slam shut before two pairs of heavy foot steps entered the room. Before I could even get the gist of what was happen a heavy fist connected with my jaw.

I screamed again in pain as two people were not beating me and I couldn't do anything but sit there helplessly.

After a while, my eyes opened to the harsh light above me and Shawn sat in the chair opposite me.

My body was numb and extremely sore, I could barely even blink without it hurting me.

"I hope you've learned your lesson" he says and I took a deep breath but that only hurt my lungs.

"Cat got your tongue now?" He asks with a devilish chuckle.

It made me sick on how he could sit there with a smug look on his face after what he just done to me.

I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

"N-no" I weakly say.

"I don't want any back talk now, you've all ready pissed me off enough" he paused.

"And I can do much worse than this so you might want to use your brain and not go against me" he says.

"You're not going to win" I choke out.

"I always win" he says.

"Not this time" I say and he let out a laugh.

"Your tricks won't work on me anymore baby, you're going to have to try harder than that" he scoffs.

"Enjoy the rest of your night" he says as I stood up and turned the light leaving me in the dark of this cold rooms.

I cried in pain, my body was so sore and my stomach cramps were tearing me apart. I could feel my period leaking but I had no choice but to sit in a pile of my blood.

I let out a deep sigh before closing my eyes. I let out a whimper of pain as I tried to shift slightly.

God if you're listening or any higher power, please let me die tonight...
A/N: sorry for the delay! I just had so much going on in my personal life but I'm back and ready to write.

I just ate some delicious chicken stir-fry.

Drop a "🥞" if you're safe and well!

(Make sure to go out with a mask! Keep others safe as well as yourself)

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